Chapter 27

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"Love is like the wind; you can't see it, you can only feel it."

Tong Yao woke up to find herself cuddled next to Lu Sicheng, his arm around her waist. She smiled and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. She turned around to get up, but was pulled back by him.

"Don't start something you can't stop."

"Cheng ge, what--"

He cut her off by pushing her onto the bed and pushing himself on top of her. He kissed her cheek and then moved down to her neck. She bit her tongue to stop a moan and then pushed him off.

"It is morning now. And we have to practice also. I have a very busy day today, Cheng ge. I need to go out with Jin Yang. You have to practice your shikigami to back me up while I play Maestro."

"You always do this." Lu Sicheng formed a frown that looked like a cute pout.

She kissed his lips once more and he groaned. She giggled, getting off the bed, and ran to the washroom, getting ready for a long day ahead. 


Tong Yao turned around in her gaming chair, waiting for Jin Yang's call. Then, as if the universe heard her thoughts, her phone rang.

Tong Yao: "Wei, jiemie!! Are you coming?"

Jin Yang: "I'll be there in five."

Tong Yao: "Good. I'll see you later then."

Jin Yang: "Okay, bye."

Tong Yao ended the call and continued practicing Maestro. Her attention shifted to Lu Yue when he said something.

Lu Yue: "Shorty and my ge are all dressed up. Are you guys going on a date?"

Tong Yao turned to Lu Sicheng standing near the shoe rack, wearing his Gucci shoes. He shook hi his head. "I'm going out on some important work. I don't know where she is going."

Tong Yao narrowed her eyes. "I am going with Jin Yang, but where are you going?"

Lu Sicheng walked over to her. "Just outside."

"Without me?"

"You are also going out without me."

Tong Yao huffed, knowing her fiancé had a point. He smirked, bending down to her ear. "I shall give you all my attention when I come back, baby."

She blushed, but then heard a car engine. "Jin Yang is here!" 

She bit goodbye to her teammates and her captain before dashing off to Jin Yang's car. She sat in, not minding that her bestfriend looked a little off today.

Jin Yang: "It's so sweet that you're surprising your soon-to-be husband on his birthday."

Tong Yao: "He always does everything for me. The least I can do is be grateful for pulling me into his beautiful world. And since words can't express my feelings for him, I shall do it by actions."

Jin Yang: "My heart is melting. That was beautiful. Let's try to make both of you happy. We can give him the best birthday of his life."

Tong Yao chuckled. "Yes. But we don't have much time."

Jin Yang: "Then let's move faster."


An hour after Tong Yao left, Lu Sicheng drove his Maserati to the police station. He pushed the door open and walked into the police station. One of his workers greeted him. Then he was led to a room, where a police officer sat with a guy whose dark hair covered his face. Lu Sicheng took a seat opposite to them.

Officer: "Master Lu, we have Mr. Daniel here. We would like to speak about what has been happening."

Daniel: "There's nothing to talk about. You have arrested me for nothing. I am not guilty."

Lu Sicheng: "But I have proof."

Daniel snickered. "No you don't."

Lu Sicheng pulled out his phone, showing the CCTV footage of Daniel trying to follow Tong Yao. He even had a picture of the note he gave to Tong Yao.

Lu Sicheng: "And if this is not enough, I can get more evidence. He has been sneaking around our base. And there have been traces of his blood lineage attacking the Tong Family. There is also a rape case filed against him."

The officer took account of everything, to use it against Daniel.

Daniel frowned. "How long can the punishment be? A few days, right?"

Lu Sicheng fisted his hands. "According to China's criminal law, for assault, you shall be given few days of imprisonment, but since you have caused a greater deal of damage and even attempted rape on a child younger than 14 years old, you shall be detained for 10 years."

The officer simply nodded, not knowing what to say. He was dumbfounded that an e-sports player knew about the laws of China. Daniel growled, angry at the statement. "Officer, me and Master Lu have something to talk about. Please give us some privacy."

The officer looked towards Lu Sicheng. Lu Sicheng nodded and the officer walked out, standing infront of the door, to make sure nothing unfortunate happened.


Tong Yao and Jin Yang finished their preparations. They came back to the base. Tong Yao noticed that Lu Sicheng hadn't come back. She walked into her base, to see her teammates still playing. "Where's Cheng ge?"

"I don't know," Old Cat said. "He mentioned something about the police station yesterday."

Lu Yue nodded. "Yes. He asked someone to put someone in the police station. He even asked them to make sure he was harmless to everyone."

Tong Yao's eyes widened. "He might have found him." She turned to Jin Yang. "I need to borrow your car." 

Jin Yang gave her the keys and Tong Yao dashed off to the white Porsche, worried about what was happening at the police station. She sped off, not once thinking about going back to the base.


Lu Sicheng: "What do you want?"

Daniel: "I want her. She was mine and still is."

Lu Sicheng grabbed Daniel's collar. "You won't dare to talk about her. She is never yours. She belongs to herself. Not to anyone. But her heart is with me."

Daniel glanced at the ring on Lu Sicheng's finger. "Engaged I see. But probably not if I kill you." 

Even though he was handcuffed, Daniel kicked with his legs. Lu Sicheng blocked it, punching him in the nose. Blood streamed down and Daniel fainted. Lu Sicheng's right hand dripped with blood. He pulled out a tissue from the table and wiped it off.

Lu Sicheng turned to see a girl wearing a beautiful denim dress with her brown hair flowing down. She stared through the glass, a tear drop splashing to the ground as she looked at him. 

NOTE: Hey guys! This chapter turned out to be longer than expected but still, it's over. What do you think about Tong Yao planning a surprise for Lu Sicheng? Shorty is finally surprising her captain on his birthday! Love y'all!

--The Writer.

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