Chapter 10

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"I love that rush when he hold me in his arms and I can let out a sigh of relief, knowing I'm safe there, always."

Tong Yao and Jin Yang eventually stuck up with each other for the whole day until night. Jin Yang did not want to see her bestfriend in a hurt condition. She knew the consequences as Qin Meng had also faced this. Tong Yao on the other hand was thinking about all her teammates and her captain. She couldn't make out if she was doing the right thing or not. 

Tong Yao: "Bye jiemie!!"

Jin Yang: "Bye jiemie. I just wish it could be easier for you. Love you."

Tong Yao: "Mhm..."

Jin Yang started her Porsche and bid the last bye to Tong Yao before speeding off. Tong Yao sighed, brushing a lock of blondish brown hair behind her ear. She walked around the base, glimpsing everything for some time, admiring it with her soft and gentle touches. Lastly, she sat down on the swing. She looked around, the plants swaying to the cold breeze, buds waiting to bloom, the small fountain in front, the rock pathway, the trees and the smell of greenery with a tinge of tangy coldness. She suddenly remembered something.

Lu Sicheng drops  a drunk Tong Yao on the swing: "Stay here. I'll buy you some medicines. Don't flirt with other guys."

Tong Yao: "Huh? Okay. I'll be Wei Sheng from now on."

Lu Sicheng: "That's like a good girl." He kissed her forehead and walked away to buy medicines.

That was when she was drunk one night because she lost a match so Lu Sicheng carried her to the base, on his back. She tore her gaze away from the chains of the swing to see a little cricket hopping in front of her, towards the door of her team base. It almost felt like this insect was trying to remind her of something. Yeah, she had to head back. She got up from the swing and headed through the main door.

As she entered the gaming room, she saw all her teammates playing something in their seats.  Tong Yao remembered that her first kiss, was right here. And it had felt amazing. She looked around for Lu Sicheng, to find  him reading a book, seeming unbothered about all the idiots present. She walked over to him and looked down. He was actually reading something well, boring. Tong Yao turned around and made her way to her seat. She sat down, before logging onto her smurf account on her computer and started to play.

Tong Yao: "God these people are such noobs."

Old K: "I agree."

Tong Yao: "Who wants a duo..."

Little Fatty: "Me!!"

Tong Yao: "Except Little Fatty."

Little Fatty frowned and cursed something under his breath and continued with matches. Tong Yao and Lu Yue giggled then turned to each other with bright smiles. God was she going to miss him and her teammates.

She sighed heavy heartedly and turned to Old K. They nodded at each other and opened a match. They started to play and in 10 mins:

Tong Yao: "Nice!!"

Old K: "Yes!!"

'VICTORY' slammed their computer screens and Old K turned to Tong Yao. She smiled at him and gave him a high five. She then fell back onto her gaming chair and looked around for Lu Sicheng. He was looking at his mobile now. She got up, strode over to her room and closed the door lightly. She plopped down onto her bed and glanced at her room. She looked at the dressing table. She remembered when Jin Yang had come to help Tong Yao get ready for her first livestream. Then the long cushion on the window, where she and Jin Yang had laughed and talked about her first gaming photo shoot. 

Her gaze shifted to the shelf where Da Bing had made a vase fall once and Lu Sicheng had barged into her room while she was talking with Jin Yang. Then came her gaming table where all her notes were written and it was a time when Lu Sicheng had made her sit on his lap and practice a new shikigami. Drifting away in thoughts, she felt the need to pee. Getting up from her huddled up position in a corner, she went to the washroom. As she washed her face, the shower caught her eye. The time she had cried because of pain and hurt that Lu Sicheng and her wound had once given her.

She locked the bathroom door as she came out and sat back on the bed. The headboard was filled with plushies that Lu Sicheng had grabbed for her from a toy claw machine on their first date in China. 

The bed lastly was where she lost her v-card. She remembered the day they had let their feelings pour out and dampen their souls. She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes, drifting off into a deep, exhausted sleep.

NOTE: Hey guys!! I know you are not so happy with the idea of having Tong Yao to leave but I am trying to spice up the story. Let me tell you guys, once she comes back, the tom and jerry relationship between Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao will be on fire. Love y'all!!

--The Writer.

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