Chapter 36

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"Let's welcome our beautiful brides, Tong Yao and Jin Yang!"

The two bestfriends walked hand in hand wearing beautiful white gowns. They looked like the moon's glory, with star dust sprinkled on them.

Right down the aisle, Lu Sicheng and Ai Jia waited, in black tuxedos, looking like the midnight sky.

The crowd cheered, as they completed their vows. Tong Yao was grinning from ear to ear. She was extremely happy. She was marrying the love of her life without and hesitations.

"You may now kiss the bride."

The two couples shared sweet kisses and walked hand in hand, making their way to the huge crowd. It was time to throw their flowers.

Tong Yao threw hers, which fell straight into Qin Meng, God Ming's girlfriend's hands. Tong Yao laughed and hugged her, winking at her cousin. "Ming ge, you better marry Qin jie quick." He nodded with a smile on his face.

Jin Yang threw her bouquet too. It flew right past the crowd, into where Shi Qi and Lu Yue were sitting. Shi Qi blushed and stared at the flowers as Lu Yue's lips tugged into a smile.

Tong Yao laughed, remembering how hard Lu Yue had tried to win Shi Qi over. And he successfully became her boyfriend, God knew how. 

Her three families sat in tables nearby, clapping and cheering. She smiled at them, tears shining in her eyes. Oh, how much she loved them.


The wedding was over and the couples were on a private beach in California, for their honeymoons. Right now, the sea waves crashed against the sandy beach with the evening sky a mix of shades of pink, purple and orange. Lu Sicheng staring at the sea, waiting for Tong Yao to finish playing in the water.

Once she was done, she ran over to him with a smile on her face. She sat down next to him, basking in his comforting warmth. She closed her eyes, the smile still not erased from her face as he kissed her forehead and ruffled her hair. His favourite thing to do.

"Shorty, you're so beautiful when you smile." He says, closing his eyes too.

"Cheng ge?" She says, her smile widening.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

The couple kissed, a slow passionate kiss. They hugged each other tightly, knowing that they were safe with each other, in their arms. They had been through hardships, happiness, sadness, and almost every thing. But they had stood strong, their love always protecting them.

The universe watched the beautiful couple as they embraced, knowing it had done the best job of uniting these two. 

There could never be a couple like this again.

There could never be a love as true as this, ever again.

NOTE: Hey guys... This story ends here. I am really sad to leave this, cause I know, I will wake up every morning and sit in front of my laptop only to realise I completed this story already. I'll miss you all a lot.

--The Writer.

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