Chapter 18

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"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone."

The very next day:
All of ZGDX's members were settled at the gaming area. Lu Yue was splayed across the longer sofa in the attached living room, playing with Da Bing as Xiao Cong was being brushed by Tong Yao. Just then Xiao Rui and God Ming came into the gaming area.

Trying to brighten the boring atmosphere, Xiao Rui announced, "We'll be heading over to a restaurant for dinner and will start our practice for the Spring Championship from tomorrow."

Little Fatty: "Restaurant?"

Old Cat: "Is it the hotpot place that Tong Yao loves?"

Tong Yao's head turned towards her two team members sitting on their gaming seats. She hummed in response and turned to her cousin and the team manager for an answer.

They shrugged at her and said: "Your wish."

Old Cat and Old K high fived and went back into bickering on who was older. Then, Old K got out a Mihoo mask.

Old K: "Want one?"

Old Cat caught the mask his best friend threw at him: "Huh? You look like a coal digger?"

Old K: "Am I digging for your family's coal?"

Old Cat: "What's the use of these things anyways?"

Old K: "Hydration."

A week later:

Team ZGDX had been preparing very well. The first match was going to be a piece of cake. Tong Yao was excited to appear on stage again. The night before, everyone slept at 9:00 pm.

Tong Yao huffed before falling onto her bed. She pulled her hair a little and then got up. She drank some water and switched the lights off, trying to get some sleep.


No answer.


No answer.


No answer.

She felt her heart leaping out from her chest. The darkness seemed like helplessness that was pushing her down. She felt dejected, not even hearing a single sound except the rattle of chains.
She reached out to her gold chain, clasping it in her cold, tiny hands. Her fingers closed around the cold metal. She felt the chain around and grasped the locket.

She remembered what was written in the locket. 'You are the only one who will stand up for you at last. Believe in yourself. You can reach the impossible.'

She sighed, her small breaths the only source of sounds in the room left. Then she heard footsteps, making her jump and fall back, the chains holding her legs rattling.

A man came up to her and she shut her eyes close, making sure she would not be able to see whatever they would do to her. She howled in pain when a guy gripped her neck, fingers digging into her soft skin. Then blackness consumed her.

NOTE: Hey guys!! I really hope you can understand the difficulties of coping up with college work and Wattpad as an author. As long as you guys will wait for my update, I'm content. Love y'all!!

--The Writer.

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