Bonus Chapter 3

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Lu Yue hugged his pillow tighter to himself as he kissed it. He murmured under his breath, "I love you so much, Shi Qi."

Outside his room, Tong Yao, Old Cat and Little Fatty were peaking through the slight!y ajar door. Hearing him say I love you in his sleep, Tong Yao giggled. A few seconds later, she began tearing up. "So sweet."

Little Fatty quickly pulled her aside. "Xiao jiejie, don't cry again, please. Cheng ge will kill us. Let's go down and do something else."

Old Cat nodded and shuffled down the stairs towards Old K, who was sitting in the gaming room. Tong Yao slowly followed, making sure not to fall down the stairs. She ambled into the kitchen, watching as her husband cooked dinner.


It sounded really good to hear, as she giggled again and walked to him. Lu Sicheng turned around to see his wife giggling. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning look. "What's making you so happy?"

Tong Yao smiled. "I realised you are now my husband." More laughter bubbled up from her and Lu Sicheng smiled. He hugged her and kissed her forehead while she played with the hem of his shirt. "Cheng ge, what are you cooking?"

"Your favourite porridge." He said and got back to washing the rice. She hummed and stared at him as he drained the water and placed it in the rice cooker. He was so handsome, with beautiful eyes, defined jaw, thin lips and a straight nose. His nose was pretty attractive and Tong Yao had a weird sensation to bite it.

She knew it would pain, so she held back. But as the desire to trace his feature built up in her, she couldn't stop herself. So, she ended up bursting into tears. Lu Sicheng quickly dropped his spoon and pulled her towards him. "What's wrong? Baby? Are you fine? Is your stomach hurting?"

When she didn't respond, he held her face in his hands. He wiped her tears and kissed her lips gently. She sniffled and rubbed her nose with the sleeve of her long shirt. "I'm sorry, Cheng ge. I want to bite your nose. But it will hurt you."

"But, Tong Yao, you can't bite my nose." Lu Sicheng said, a bit flabbergasted. Even though there was a huge part of him that was saying let her do it, he decided to defend a bit. She cried again, this time hiding her face in his chest.

But his other teammates were already standing there, staring at them Little Fatty shook his head. "Cheng ge, just let her do it. Please, we haven't been able to sleep for so many nights."

Lu Sicheng sighed, knowing there wasn't any other way. He lifted her face with his hand under her chin and kissed her again. "Okay baby. Do it."

She stopped crying and looked up to him with her pitch black eyes. "But, what if it hurts?"

Lu Sicheng ruffled her hair. "No it won't. But only once okay?"

She nodded and Lu Sicheng closed his eyes. She got onto her tip toes and stared at him. She didn't want to hurt him. So, she instead kissed the tip of his nose, then his lips, slowly going back to hugging him. Lu Sicheng was a bit surprised but he smiled and pulled her along with him to the living room with a bowl of porridge.


Lu Sicheng slowly patted Tong Yao's head. Her eyelids were drooping and after a few minutes, her eyes fluttered close. He placed her head on his lap and her body on the couch. Soon, her soft, sweet snores filled the living room. Lu Sicheng relaxed into the couch.

Both of them weren't ready for this. But it happened and it was one of the most amazing things that had happened to them. Conveying the message that Tong Yao was pregnant to their families had been pretty easy. Their mothers had showered Tong Yao with gifts and stuff for the children. Everyone was happy.

Months later, they had gotten to know that they were having twins. Most probably a boy and a girl. And this was everything Lu Sicheng needed. His wife, brother, teammates, friends and family. Oh, and his unborn children ofcourse!

NOTE: I know I've been too late. But what can I do? I have exams and I just finished one today. But let me tell you, it was pretty easy. I'll be writing only two more bonus chapters. And then this book will be over. Love y'all!

–The Writer.

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