Chapter 31

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Tong Yao turned back to look at the main door again, checking if Lu Sicheng was gone. When she saw that the coast was clear, she turned back and smiled at her teammates, giving them a thumbs up as a sign to start setting things up. 

They got to work, setting the table and plates, making it look as elegant as possible. Tong Yao paced around the living room, waiting for the deliveries. As soon as the bell rang, she rushed to open the door and got the food in. "Got it!!"

She pulled the boxes out and set them out, aligning them neatly. "And now for the gifts." She said before she sprinted off upstairs.


Lu Sicheng opened the door of the base to face darkness. He sighed, knowing there was something going on. "What are these idiots up to?" He muttered, clicking on the lights.


Lu Sicheng stared at his teammates and fiancé, analysing the situation. "What's going on?"

Tong Yao ran to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Happy birthday Cheng ge!"

He looked down at her as she smiled brightly. He smiled back at her and kissed her head. "How did you know? I myself forgot about it."

"Why wouldn't I know? Come on now. We're starving. All that food's gonna go to waste."

He held her hand and walked up to the table, to see different dishes of his liking. He pulled her back into him and hugged her once more. 

Lu Yue jumped around impatiently. "The food!!"

Everyone sat down on their seats, laughing slightly. Old K and Old Cat were live streaming.

Old Cat: "This year's championship also belongs to ZGDX!!"

Old K: "On account of Cheng ge's birthday, we are going to promise that we will win this year's Nationals."

Little Fatty: "Food is better than anything."

*Everyone looks at him*

*Little Fatty realises that they were live streaming*

He quickly replied, "But winning the championship is the best!!" Then he dug back into his food, happily peeling his shrimps.

Tong Yao smiled and continued eating, before her phone started ringing. She excused herself out and moved to the balcony of the base. Standing in the evening breeze, she recieved the call.

Tong Yao: "Ma?"

Mrs. Tong: "Yao-yao, I need to ask you something important."

Tong Yao: "If it's about Daniel, then it's sorted."

Mrs. Tong: "What? Who did it?"

Tong Yao: "Cheng ge sorted it out."

Mrs. Tong: "May God bless him. He is such an amazing person. Yao-yao, you really found yourself a good husband."

Tong Yao flips her hair while smiling. "Yes. I did."

She flinched slightly when she felt arms circle her waist. She instantly recognised her fiancé and laid back. "Who did what?"

Tong Yao ended the phone call and turned around, pinned in between the railing and Lu Sicheng. "I found a great person for myself."

"And who is that?"

"A man of high values and status. He is handsome, caring, and everything a girl could ask for. He is the one who captured my heart the first time I saw him."

Lu Sicheng dipped his head low and kissed Tong Yao. She responded back, placing her hands on his chest. The kiss was something passionate; they were expressing their love for each other. But they broke of when they heard a click.

Tong Yao's cheeks turned red when she saw Lu Yue standing there with his phone in his hand. He had taken a picture, and now was smirking at his accomplishment. Lu Sicheng glared at him and Lu Yue stumbled in quickly.

Lu Yue: "I am sending this to mom. She will be so happy that  she will become a grandmother!"

He ran inside before the couple could act on it. Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng looked at each other for awhile and then broke out into smiles. They laughed at Lu Yue's childishness before heading inside.

Once they settled back onto the dining tables, Lu Yue perked up. "Idiot, who was that girl you brought to the base?"

Tong Yao's lips were being tugged into a cheeky smile. "Why, retard? Do you think she is pretty?"

Lu Yue: "Don't make me say it, please."

Tong Yao: "She's a friend of mine and Jin Yang's."

Lu Yue: "And..?"

Tong Yao: "Her name is Shi Qi. She's half European and half Chinese. We used to study at the same college."

Lu Yue: "Can I have her number?"

Tong Yao: "She doesn't date."

Lu Yue: "I can give it a try."

Tong Yao: "Whatever. But, don't tell her I gave you her number."

Lu Yue: "Okay."

Lu Yue jumped around in happiness as Tong Yao gave him Shi Qi's number. He finally could reach out to that girl.

NOTE: Hey guys!! This chapter was written very fast, I'm sorry if it's unsatisfactory. I couldn't update according to the schedule, I apologise. I shall update another before Monday. Love y'all!

--The Writer.

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