Chapter 29

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Tong Yao pulled her stockings into place and then adjusted her skirt. She was ready for her date with Lu Sicheng. But her fiancé was still in the shower, not caring that it was already ten in the morning. Tong Yao turned as the door to the washroom opened. Lu Sicheng walked out, wearing a black shirt and jeans. She blushed, realising that she was staring at him.He walked over to her and pulled her hand towards him.

 "Why aren't you wearing your ring?" He questioned. His eyes scanned the dressing table and found her ring.

Tong Yao took it and slipped it onto her finger. "I took it off when I showered. That's it."

He nodded, then pulled a box out from her drawer. He opened them and pulled an earring out, catching Tong Yao's attention. "Cheng ge, you look so handsome when you wear that earring."

He smiled as he wore it. "Really?"

"Yes. I can't control myself when you wear it."

"Then don't."

He finished tightening the earring and turned towards her. She pulled him closer and got onto her tiptoes. She pressed her lips against his gently, breathing in his scent. He smelled like warmth, her comfort. The kiss lasted wonderfully long but she broke it when she saw the time.

They walked downstairs, to see their teammates at the dining table, laughing and eating. They didn't see the couple go outside the base. 


"Cheng ge, are you sure our masks will work? What if they recognise us?"

"So what? Our fans know we are together."

"But, they think I left you and went to Seoul. They think I betrayed you. How will they accept that we are dating. No, getting married, that too in a couple of months."

Lu Sicheng stopped walking and grasped her hand. "Tong Yao, it is our wish to get married. We are not going according to their wishes. What they think is irrelevant. What we think is important."

"But they think you are doing something bad. Your image will get tarnished."

He played with the ring on her finger. "Is falling in love with a young girl, who is amazing in every aspect a bad thing? Is dating that girl a wrong thing? Is marrying the love of my life a bad thing? I really don't think so. Tong Yao, I need you to remember this. There were three main things that brought me joy in my life. You, e-sports and I can't believe I'm saying this, but the birth of my younger brother."

Tong Yao hugged him, now feeling better. She wouldn't care about what others thought anymore. She would focus on her career and her life. "You brothers just fight in front of everyone. But you guys love each other very deeply."

"How can you say that?"

"Cheng ge, your dearest brother punched Brother A when he spoke wrong things about you."

"Yeah. Now that you mentioned it, I realised it."

Tong Yao's eyes caught the claw machine. She smiled, dragging her fiancé over to it. "Can you get one?"

He nodded and then pulled a coin from his wallet. She smiled as he grabbed the first stuffed toy, and gave it to her. Soon, a bunch of girls were standing around them.

Girl 1: "Gosh, he is so hot!"

Girl 2: "How is he doing it? He already got so many toys!"

Girl 3: "I want him to be my boyfriend."

Girl 4: "I think he already has one. The pretty one with the long brown hair over there."

Girl 3: "It must be so difficult to find a man like him."

Tong Yao beamed with pride. He was not her boyfriend, but her fiancé. And yes, the whole universe had conspired in finding him for her. After he got all the stuffed toys out, she pulled his hand which had the ring. She held it high and interlocked their fingers, making sure all the girls would see it. They did, and they felt heartbroken, frowning and returning to their work.

Lu Sicheng observed it and smirked. Tong Yao walked fast, trying to get past the girls who were still staring at them both. Finally exhausted, she decided to show them what was hers. If they wouldn't stop staring, she would make them stop.

She pulled him down and kissed him, earning a lot of whooping from the girls. Some of them thought it was cute, while some thought it was bad, cause they wanted Lu Sicheng. 

Well, Lu Sicheng had a very entertaining date that day. 

NOTE: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I wrote it in a hurry. Anyways, I took Golden Mark. I think it is not the time to start a werewolf story yet. I think I am going to give some summaries and ask you guys to choose which story I should write next. If you guys can suggest something to me about those stories, I would be very happy. Love y'all.

--The Writer.

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