Chapter 28

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Lu Sicheng dashed out of the glass room, walking towards his fiancé. He was angry at Daniel and the tears on her face didn't make him feel any better. Once he reached her, he pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged him back, snuggling into his black jacket.

Lu Sicheng: "Why are you crying?"

Tong Yao: "Are you an idiot? Do you know how worried I was? Couldn't you have told me? What if you were hurt?"

Lu Sicheng: "I'm sorry. I should have told you. But I thought you would get into trouble."

Tong Yao: "Seriously? That's what you thought? What happened to that promise we made?"

Lu Sicheng: "I already told you I'm sorry. Stop crying now. I want you to smile."

Tong Yao sniffled, hugging him closer. He smiled a bit, tears shining in his eyes as he kissed her forehead and embraced the feeling of her comforting warmth.


Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng were now sitting on the couch, Lu Sicheng feeding Tong Yao lunch. She was leaning on him, checking her phone. She paused and then looked up.

"But Cheng ge, how did you find him?"

"I have my ways."

"Are you going to tell that to me?"

"No. It's way too boring. What's interesting is why Daniel's family is so hateful to your family."

"About that..."


"..I don't know.."

"Does your mother know?"

"I think so."

"Then, we can--"

"Cheng ge, we'll ask her the next time we have a family dinner. Right now, Daniel is behind the bars and we are safe. Let's have some freedom, shan't we?"


"And Cheng ge, can we go on a date?"




"That's like a good boy."

He raised his eyebrows. She gave him a sweet smile and then pointed towards her lunch. Chuckling, he continued feeding her.

Tong Yao was startled when Lu Yue jumped next to her, snatching the piece of food that Lu Sicheng was giving her. She frowned at him and Lu Sicheng glared.

Lu Yue: "What? My future sister-in-law should please me."

Tong Yao: "Cheng ge.."

Lu Yue: "I didn't realize you still called him ge. He is about to be your husband."

Tong Yao: "Cheng ge!!!"

Lu Sicheng: "He actually has a point."

Tong Yao glared at him and then at Lu Yue. "It's for respect."

Little Fatty sat down next to Lu Sicheng. "But you guys will be married. What respect do you need?"

Old K sat next to him. "I agree." He received a glare from her.

Old Cat sat next to Lu Yue. "You really have to call him something else."

Ming God came in. "Yeah cousin. You can't keep calling him brother."

Xiao Rui also joined. "For the first time in my whole life, I say that these monkeys are right." He received a glare from Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng.

Tong Yao: "Now I realize why you guys are a team. Fit for each other. Some people have to go to farms to see donkeys. All I have to do is play with the team called ZGDX."

Everyone laughed out loud, each one harder than each other.

Lu Yue: "But I am really not joking. You have to call him something else."

Tong Yao: "Like what? I like Cheng ge better."

Old K: "Jin Yang and Ai Jia use endearment."

Tong Yao: "Doesn't suit our captain."

Old Cat: "You can call him something shorter than his name."

Little Fatty: "How does Cheng sound?"

Tong Yao: "You know what? I've decided I didn't hear anything."

Lu Sicheng got up, pulling Tong Yao with him. "Okay now. She clearly isn't going to change anything, so leave it."

Tong Yao stuck her tongue out to Lu Yue who did the same. Then she walked into the gaming room to practice her shikigami with her captain.

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