Fun Story #8: Virgin Mary meets a certain Straight Tusked Giant.

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Virgin Mary was walking along the edge of the forest, carrying a basket of berries she had picked for her family. She loved nature and often wandered around the countryside, admiring the beauty of God's creation. She was a devout Christian, and believed that all living things were part of God's plan. She had heard stories from her father, who was a hunter and a trapper, about the giant elephants that lived in the plains. He had seen them once, from a distance, and had been awed by their size and majesty. He had told her that they were gentle giants, that did not harm anyone unless provoked. He had also warned her to stay away from them, as they could be dangerous if startled or threatened.

Virgin Mary had always wanted to see the elephants for herself, but she had never been lucky enough to encounter them. She knew they were rare and elusive, and that they avoided humans as much as possible. She wondered what they looked like up close, how they sounded, how they behaved. She imagined them as gentle and wise creatures, with a deep bond with each other and with nature.

As she was walking, she heard a loud rumbling sound coming from the other side of the forest. She stopped and listened, curious and excited. Could it be the elephants? She decided to investigate, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. She followed the sound, moving quietly and cautiously through the trees. She reached a clearing, where she saw a large lake surrounded by grass and flowers. And there they were: a herd of Palaeoloxodon namadicus, drinking and bathing in the water.

Virgin Mary gasped in awe and wonder. They were magnificent. They were huge, much bigger than any animal she had ever seen. Their skin was gray and wrinkled, their ears large and flapping. Their trunks were long and flexible, their tusks white and gleaming. They moved with grace and dignity, despite their bulk. They seemed peaceful and happy, enjoying each other's company.

Virgin Mary hid behind a bush, not wanting to disturb them or draw their attention. She watched them with fascination and admiration, feeling a connection with them. She felt like she was witnessing a miracle, a gift from God.

She noticed that there was one elephant that seemed to be the leader of the herd. It was an old female, with scars on her body and cracks on her tusks. She was the matriarch of the herd, the one who decided where to go and what to do. She was respected and obeyed by the others, who followed her lead. She was also caring and protective of her family, especially of the young ones.

Virgin Mary saw that there were several calves in the herd, some still nursing from their mothers, some playing with each other in the water. They were adorable, with their small trunks and ears, their curious eyes and playful personalities. They splashed and chased each other, making squeaking sounds.

Virgin Mary smiled and felt a surge of love for them. They reminded her of her own children, who were waiting for her at home. She thought about how precious life was, how every creature was a blessing from God.

She wanted to stay there forever, watching the elephants live their lives in harmony with nature. But she knew she had to go back to her family soon. She decided to leave them in peace, not wanting to risk disturbing them or endangering herself.

She got up slowly and quietly from behind the bush, ready to leave. But as she did so, she accidentally stepped on a twig, making a loud snapping sound.

The elephants heard it and turned their heads towards her direction.

Virgin Mary froze in fear.

The matriarch saw her first. She looked at her with her dark eyes, trying to assess the situation.

Virgin Mary felt like she was staring into the soul of an ancient being.

The matriarch did not seem angry or scared. She seemed curious and calm.

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