Fun Story #25: The Lion King: The Brightest Star: Unexpected Help.

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Mohatu was desperate

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Mohatu was desperate. He had searched for days and nights, but he could not find a single drop of water in the dry and barren land. His pride and his subjects were suffering from thirst and hunger, and he feared that they would not survive much longer. He had made a law that limited the amount of water each animal could drink, and he had put lions last in line, as they could go longer without water. But even that was not enough. The only water hole left was guarded by a selfish lion, who refused to share it with anyone. Mohatu had tried to reason with him, but he had attacked him and chased him away. Mohatu knew that he had to find another solution, or his kingdom would perish.

He decided to leave the Pride Lands and search for a new water source in a distant land. He hoped that he would find a place where water was abundant and life was flourishing. He also hoped that he would return soon, before his pride and his subjects lost hope in him. He left a message for his son or daughter-in-law, who would rule in his absence, and he set off on his journey.

He crossed the plains, where the grass was yellow and brittle. He crossed the mountains, where the rocks were sharp and jagged. He crossed the forest, where the trees were bare and withered. He saw no signs of water or life anywhere. He felt tired and thirsty, but he did not give up. He kept walking, following his instincts and his faith.

One day, he reached a valley, where he saw a strange sight. There was a large tree in the middle of the valley, which was green and lush. It stood out from the rest of the landscape, which was dry and dull. Mohatu approached the tree, hoping to find some shade and rest under it. As he got closer, he noticed that there were two lions lying under the tree. They looked different from any lions he had ever seen before. They had bright colors on their fur, which resembled fire and lightning. They also had strange markings on their faces and bodies, which looked like symbols or tattoos.

Mohatu stopped in his tracks, wondering who they were and what they were doing there. He felt a mix of curiosity and caution. He did not know if they were friends or foes, or if they were even real or not. He decided to greet them politely and respectfully.

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