Story Idea #31: Darksiders/Captain America.

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A/N: Before anyone asks, this isn't a crossover between Darksiders and a broader Marvel Universe. This is focused on Captain America.

A/N: What inspired this is when I watched Spectacular Spider-Man. It is part of Marvel, but the universe isn't a broader Marvel Universe, but more like a Marvel Spider Man universe. This is the case in this oneshot. But instead of Spider-Man, it's Captain America crossing over with Darksiders, with a few other marvel characters being featured here. Don't ask, just read and you'll know. Besides, why should I spoil it?

Uriel soared through the sky, her wings cutting through the cold air. She was leading a patrol of Hellguard angels over the Arctic Circle, searching for any signs of demonic activity. The End War had ravaged the Earth, leaving it a barren wasteland where Heaven and Hell fought for supremacy. Uriel had vowed to protect the remnants of humanity and honor the memory of her fallen leader, Abaddon.

She scanned the icy landscape below, looking for anything out of the ordinary. She spotted a large metal object partially buried in the snow. It looked like a plane, but it was unlike any she had ever seen. She signaled to her comrades to follow her as she descended towards it.

She landed near the plane and examined it. It had a red, white, and blue star on its side, and a number on its wing: 42. She recognized it as a human symbol and a date. She wondered what it was doing here, and how long it had been frozen.

She walked around the plane, looking for an entrance. She found a hatch on the top and pried it open with her sword. She climbed inside and saw a cockpit with various instruments and controls. She also saw a body slumped in the pilot's seat.

She approached the body cautiously, ready for anything. She saw that it was a man, wearing a blue uniform with red and white stripes. He had blond hair and a fair complexion. He looked young and handsome, but also pale and lifeless.

She checked his pulse and felt a faint heartbeat. She gasped in surprise. He was alive, but barely. She wondered how he had survived for so long in this frozen tomb.

She looked at his chest and saw a circular metal object strapped to it. It looked like a shield, but it was made of an unfamiliar material. It had a star in the center, matching the one on the plane.

She recognized the shield and the man. She had heard stories about them from the humans she had met during the war. They were legends, heroes who had fought against evil in a time before the apocalypse.

They were Captain America and his shield.

She felt a surge of awe and respect for the man. He was one of the greatest warriors of humanity, a symbol of hope and courage. He had faced enemies far more powerful than himself, and never gave up.

She wondered what he was doing here, and what had happened to him. She remembered that he had fought in World War II, alongside another hero named Bucky Barnes. They had been friends since childhood, and partners in battle.

She wondered if Bucky was here too, somewhere in this plane. She decided to look for him, hoping to find him alive as well.

She searched the plane, but found no trace of Bucky. She only found some weapons, supplies, and documents. She realized that this plane must have been on a mission when it crashed here.

She looked at one of the documents and saw a picture of a man with a red skull-like face. He wore a black uniform with a red octopus symbol on it. Underneath his picture was a name: Red Skull.

She recognized him as well. He was one of the most evil men who ever lived, a leader of a Nazi faction called Hydra. He had tried to conquer the world with an ancient artifact called the Tesseract, which contained immense power.

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