Fun Story #21: Satele Shan and the Lost Holocron.

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Satele Shan, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, was on a mission to recover a lost holocron from the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple on Ossus. The holocron contained valuable information about the history and secrets of the Jedi, and it was stolen by a group of rogue Sith who wanted to use it for their own nefarious purposes.

Satele had tracked down the Sith to a hidden base on the planet's surface, where they were trying to unlock the holocron's secrets. She had infiltrated the base alone, using her stealth and Force skills to avoid detection. She had reached the main chamber, where she saw the holocron on a pedestal, surrounded by several Sith guards and a dark figure in a hooded cloak.

Satele ignited her double-bladed lightsaber and charged at the Sith, hoping to surprise them and retrieve the holocron. However, as she approached the pedestal, the hooded figure turned around and revealed his face. It was Darth Malgus, her old enemy and nemesis.

"Satele Shan," Malgus said with a sneer. "I was wondering when you would show up."

Malgus was a powerful Sith Lord who had fought Satele many times before, during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War. He was responsible for many atrocities against the Republic and the Jedi, such as the sacking of Coruscant and the destruction of the Jedi Temple. He was also a formidable warrior, who wielded a single-bladed lightsaber and used brute force and rage to overpower his opponents.

Satele felt a surge of anger and hatred towards Malgus, but she quickly suppressed it. She knew that giving in to her emotions would only make her vulnerable to the dark side of the Force. She also knew that Malgus was not alone, and that she had to deal with his guards first.

She leaped into the air and used the Force to push away two of the Sith guards, sending them flying into the walls. She then landed behind another guard and sliced him in half with her lightsaber. She spun around and blocked a strike from another guard, then kicked him in the chest and stabbed him in the throat.

She looked around and saw that there were only two guards left, one on each side of Malgus. She decided to use her battle meditation, a rare and advanced Force technique that allowed her to influence the morale and emotions of allies and enemies during a battle. She inherited this ability from her ancestor Bastila Shan, who was famous for using it during the Jedi Civil War.

She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind, sending waves of calmness and confidence to herself, and waves of fear and doubt to her enemies. She felt their resolve weaken, and their coordination falter. She opened her eyes and saw that they were hesitating and trembling.

She took advantage of their confusion and dashed towards them, swinging her lightsaber with precision and grace. She cut down one guard with ease, then parried a blow from another guard. She used her telekinesis to lift him off his feet and slam him into Malgus, knocking them both down.

She ran towards the pedestal and reached for the holocron, hoping to grab it before Malgus recovered. However, as she touched it, she felt a jolt of pain in her hand. She looked at it and saw that it was covered with small spikes that pierced her skin. She realized that it was a trap.

She let go of the holocron and backed away from it, clutching her wounded hand. She saw that blood was dripping from it, staining her glove. She felt a surge of fear in her chest, wondering if the spikes were poisoned or laced with something else.

She looked up and saw that Malgus had gotten up from the floor, holding his lightsaber in his hand. He had a smirk on his face, as he walked towards her slowly.

"Did you really think I would leave such a valuable artifact unguarded?" he said mockingly. "This holocron is not what you think it is. It is not a repository of Jedi wisdom. It is a weapon of mass destruction."

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