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This one is random asl so if nun makes sense js know I had no clue on what to write

This one is random asl so if nun makes sense js know I had no clue on what to write

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Look how fancy this man looks

"Ugh how long is it gonna take for this man to get out of the locker room"

You finally see him pop out of the door way of the locker room

You kiss him on the cheek as he walked over to you as you and Jordan walks out you notice Andrew Wiggins sitting in his car crying

You tell Jordan and he tells you to wait at the Jordan's car

Jordan's POV:

"Hope this guy is okay"


Wiggins looks up and sees Jordan. He turns down his music and rolls down the window

"Wiggs man you good?"

"Yeah man I'm cool."

Jordan knew sum wasn't right

Wiggs had tears running down his eyes and he wasn't listening to the usual music he would listen to

"Andrew are you sure your alright be honest with me"

"Fine bro I just found out my kids aren't even my kids my girl fucked my best friend"

"Damn bro. Hold up don't go nowhere imma ask Y/N if you could stay for a while."

"Aight bro. THEY SAID WE Just want to talk with you"



Jordan yells

"Yeah jordan"

"Can Wiggs stay with us"

"Yes baby he seems really hurt"

Jordan jogs back over there and tells Wiggs he could stay for a while

Jordan comes back sees your in the car he gets in and gives you a kiss you guys take off on the freeway and he starts to grip you thigh. You take your eyes off of your phone while still playing the same tiktok over while 3:15 - Russ plays you look at him and don't say anything you look back at your phone and change the song to violent crimes - Kanye west as it starts you hear Jordan say.

"Drive bro."

Jordan looks at his phone.

He opens maps and sees that there's 2 accidents

He then says

"We not gon be home til 12:00 am baby I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby I'll fall asleep in here if we have to."

No answer...

You recline the seat back and get comfortable

While stopped Jordan picks up his phone and opens camera and takes a picture of you. He then makes it his Lock Screen.
A few hours past and they get home. Andrew pulls up behind them. Jordan Carrie's Y/N into their room. He then comes back out and plays 2k with wiggs. He falls asleep and Jordan goes in the room and lays down next to you. He falls asleep.
The next morning you wake up and kiss Jordan while he sleeps and you go in the kitchen to make breakfast for the boys. You look over the couch and see Wiggs asleep.

You laught and shake you head. When the food in nearly done you hear the toilet flush... it's Jordan he comes behind you to give you a hug and kiss he then sits on the couch and opens YouTube he then play's highlight from last nights game they had won by a lucky buzzer beater Wiggs still dead asleep murmurs

"man fuck you"


Jordan looks over confused as fuck he thought he was talking to him but he remembered that in the locker room last night he hear Wiggs yell that exact sentence at draymond last night but didn't know why

He wakes up Wiggs to tells him he was talking his sleep and that the food was ready.they eat and then they go to gym

3 hours later

The front door opens you grab the bat just in case it's just Jordan

You sit down on the couch and turn on Kubz scouts

Jordan makes a pb&j for himself and Wiggs plops down on the bed in the guest bedroom

They both take their showers and take a nap

They wake up around dinner time jordan takes a full plate and inhales it before I could take a bite out of my food
Jordan does his nightly routine and turns on the tv in our room and watches it til he slowly falls asleep moments later you lay down next to him then also fall asleep

They wake up around dinner time jordan takes a full plate and inhales it before I could take a bite out of my foodJordan does his nightly routine and turns on the tv in our room and watches it til he slowly falls asleep moments later you lay down ...

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Thank you for reading this chapter
If you wanna personal story js hit me up on tiktok @real.Starr

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