The fight

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                                                                This my fist book yall so don't come for me 😭Ik this might suck

It's a normal Saturday morning when you wake up and see Jordan by your side
You wonder why he didn't go to the gym this morning

He feels someone staring at him. He opens his eyes and sees you looking at him

"What's wrong baby?" Jordan asks

"Why didn't you go to the gym this morning?"

"Because this morning I wanting to do things I little different"


The silence get awkward so you get up and walk downstairs to see you mom making Jordan's favorite meal
You sit down and you guys talk for a bit. You go to let your French bulldog and German shepherd out you hear someone
walking down the stairs you look over and see Jordan walking down half awake.
You hear your mom say good morning to him and he says it back he turns on the tv while you close the door.
You sit down next to him and watch the news for a bit then turn on YouTube.

"I can't believe that one of your brothers friends got shot dead I feel really bad for him"

"I know it's going to be alright"

Talking about your brother with a kid on the way and quit baseball you ask jordan if he's hungry and he looks at you

Talking about your brother with a kid on the way and quit baseball you ask jordan if he's hungry and he looks at you

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     "Are you crazy of course I'm hungry plus your mom made me my favorite meal? Imma tear that shit up!"

You laugh knowing damn well your gonna have to eat cereal or something because him and you brother kaleo Y/L/N are gonna tear shit up. A couple hours pass and jordan goes to the gym and you hear your dad walk down the stairs and asks you where jordan went you tell him he went to the gym and he says

"Damn! Without me?"

You laugh thinking your dad is joking

"No I'm serious I wanted to go to the gym with him."

You stop your laughter and look at him

"Oh I'm sorry you should of told me earlier"
"No it's okay for everything he does for you I'm just glad that you found someone to treat you right."

You get up to hug your dad and tell him you love him when you hear the front door open you look over your dads shoulder and
see Jordan your dad turns around to see Jordan. You hug your dad and walk over to Jordan and ask him

"Why are you home so early bby?"

He says

"The gym closed early at 11:15 and by the time I got there it's was 12:00"

"But you left at 10:55?"

"I may have stopped by Starbucks and chick-fil-A for my baby and her family"

You look at him in disbelief you hug him so tight and whisper in his ear l "what's wrong with you today?"

He doesn't say anything and kisses you on the cheek then continues to put all the food on the table

You go up yo your room and turn on the tv to watch the summer league

You see warriors vs raptors but realize that the summer league ended and it was just replays so you switch over to Hulu to watch your brothers childhoods show "everybody hates Chris"

1 hour later

You see Jordan walk in you put down you lemonade to get up and give him a kiss but he picks you up and throws you on the bed jokingly you laugh and actually kiss him this time he lays down next to you and plays "the Cleveland show."

You look at him and say

"You know we don't have to watch this every time you lay down right?"

He say under his breath

" I know I just want to bring back your childhood memories"



You tell him

"Jordan Anthony Poole you don't have to hide what you say to me I'm not a girl who will cheat on you and not hang out with you or will  treat you like a mom i am the girl you fell in love with and you are the MAN I looked at and realized it was the man of my dreams. You are a 23 year old man and being afraid to tell a woman that you chose. You know I won't look at you differently if it's something bad, mean, or crazy."

You look at him and say "im so sorry" a tear running down his eye you hug him tight he says

"Damn. This the first time I realized that I ain't afraid of you."

You look at tears running down your eyes and kiss him

Knowing you didn't mean to lecture him he cuddles you till you fall asleep

He cuts off the tv and slowly falls asleep next to you

Sunday morning

Your throwing a party for your brother Tony Y/L/M he graduated college and will be a major beat maker for famous rappers
You wake up to a empty space *jordan had left the room*

You get up and go downstairs forgetting the chick-fil-a cup in your room you go back to get it and it's not there you brush it off thinking jordan threw it away you go downstairs and see Tony you hug him and tell him you missed him he says

"Heyy Y/N how've you been"

You try to say something but your brother kaleo pushes you out of the way and starts talking with him you go out side and find jordan in the pool playing with your German shepherd named bear you call him and he looks at you guys talk for a bit then...

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now