Man of your dreams pt.5

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Jordan wakes you up getting your stuff together to take you back home so your dad wouldn't worry too much about you.

"What are you doing baby?" You say in a tired voice.

"Nothing I'm just getting everything together to take you home"

"It's fine I'll go back tomorrow. I think they have plans to go to the padres game anyway"

"It's fine by me"

He puts your luggage back and gets his gym bag ready.

"You goin to practice?"

"Yeah I mean it's not really a practice it's more of a hangout kinda thing"

You kiss him goodbye and lay back down.

15 minutes later

You wake up again to go make breakfast, when kota and Kai start to meow at you for food. When you finish giving them some food you wash your hands and make some breakfast. After your done washing your plate you sit on the couch to watch some tv while you wait for jordan to get back. You hear a knock on the door, you go over to see if it's Jordan but it's some random lady looking annoyed.

"Jordan answer this fucking door" she says angrily.

You walk away not wanting any trouble with her when you hear her say

"Jordan mother fucking Poole open this goddamn door I know yo ass is in there and you probably got that hoe in there too."

You FaceTime Jordan to ask him what to do.

"What's up baby?"

"Baby your ex is at the door right now looking for you"

"Shit... did you answer the door?"

"No I don't want any problems while your gone. Well when I'm over here."

"Ight baby I just gotta make a couple more turns and I'll be there cool? Don't open the door."

You hang up and wait for him to get back while also hearing

"Jordan your not fucking slick I can hear that TV just open the door"

1 hour later

Jordan finally pulls up and walks up to her

"I know you are not here bitch"

"Ouu how's this fine piece of chocolate doin?"

You open the door and ask

"Who the fuck are you talking to?"

"Bitch who are you this is my husband"

"Then why the fuck weren't you in Boston with him?" You say crossing your arms

"Huh? He never went to Boston"

"He actually did"

She starts to tear up and tell a sob story

"Please save it we do not give a fuck about your life story. Now go ahead and get in your car with your dumbass boyfriend."

She looks at you nervously

"Huh what boyfriend? Jordan? This is our house"

You two go back and fourth when she finally decides to leave Jordan alone and let him live his life. He gets inside then starts to make a plate of food to put something in his stomach.

"Baby did you not eat?"

"Nah I was too worried about getting you back home to see your family"

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've made you breakfast"

"It's ok baby imma give you princess treatment"

He finishes his plate and goes to sit down next to you. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to him.

"So how was your morning?"

"Good how bout you?"

"It was cool"

You two chill out for a couple hours. Jordan goes out to run some errands while you clean his house for him. He gets back around 7 and heads straight for the shower. You finish folding and putting his laundry away, Jordan is still in the so you go on your phone for a bit. Jordan walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Goddamn baby"


"You look so fuckin good right now. Still wanna have sex?" You say while staring at his lower half

You get up and pull him towards the bed while biting your lips onto his. He pulls away then says

"Damn baby I completely forgot"

He lays down while you sit on his lap. You smash your lips into his and feel his manhood rising, you pull away to take off your shirt.

"Trynna bounce on it?"

You smile and take off your pants. He pulls down the towel and his penis bounces up like a bobble head. He moans here and there.

You get off and Jordan strokes it a bit.

"Damn u wanna suck it ma?"

"Fuck yeah papi"

While you are sucking the soul out of him you look up at jordan and can tell he is having the time of his life. Soon Jordan starts locking his legs and letting moans out to the warmth of your mouth. You get off and let Jordan take over.

"Big mistake baby girl"

You get on your hands and knees Jordan slides in, he starts off a little slow then picks up the speed. He leans over and whispers words into your ear making you moan louder.

"FUCK- Y/N IM GONNA NUT AHHH" He says tilting his head back

"Nut in me"

Jordan wastes no time and lets it out and collapses next to you.

"Holy shit baby I was not expecting that from you" you say caressing his abs

"Me too mama, but I would do way more to you that was just a little bite of it"

"Let's hope I don't have a baby in here though" you laugh

"I love you baby" he says laughing with you

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now