Man of your dreams pt. 4

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You get back to the hotel after the game. Warriors start off good for the finals but Jordan is horny as fuck.

"Baby can we please have sex?"

"Damn Jordan we haven't even been dating for a year and you already wanna have sex?"

"Yes that month felt like 6 years of dating you come on lemme get some love"

You agree to have sex but your not having any babies yet. You relax while Jordan showers, in his mind he think that if he touches you with even a drop of sweat on him you'll get some weird ass disease out of no where. He finally get out of the shower lays down next to you.

" baby now that i really think of it. Let's save the sex for home."

"What happened baby did you run out of soap?"


While he falls asleep right next to you, you give him a kiss and he gets hard.

"You sure baby I'm fine with doing it here."

"No I'm good until home."

Your about to fall asleep when you hear him turn and feel him wrap his arms around you. You look over and see him half asleep, you kiss him and he smiles with his eyes shut.

The next morning.
You wake up and guess what, he's still asleep. You turn and grab your phone off the nightstand to check the time.
It's 9:45. You check insta, nothing really new except Jordan hate. You don't know why people hate on an NBA player when they're not the one who made it or is getting booed by the crowd just for playing. A good 15 minutes past when you hear.

"Good morning my love"

"Good morning baby do you play today?"

"Yes until Monday."


"Fuck your so beautiful I'm so lucky to have a girl like you."

"Jordan you are so handsome. I can list a million things that make you one of the best men in my life I love you so much. Im so thankful that I met you."

He blushes


You two laugh together. Jordan knew from the moment you bumped into him at that game that you were perfect. He grabs his phone and checks his social media he puts his phone down and gives all of his attention to you.

"So what do you wanna do today until the game"

"Nothing baby i just want to hang out with you and only you"

"So do you wanna go shopping or something? I'll spend a bag on you baby girl whatever you want"

"No Jordan let's just go for a walk or go eat"

"Fine by me princess"

He jumps out of bed getting ready, while you fight the urge to stay in bed. While on your walk you record a story
"With this handsome man rn"

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