Here for you

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Jordan lays on the ground crying and holding his trophy close to him.

"I did it Mari, I won for you" He lets it all out after winning the NBA championship.

Jordan is the last one to leave the locker room while you wait in the car for him. He pulls himself together and paces back and forth think about what he's gonna say on live tv so he doesn't lose it. He takes a couple deep breaths before placing his trophy in his gym bag to place in the practice facility.

He sits down and waits for it to end. Jordan hated press conferences ever since Jamarion (Juh - mar - re - on) because all of the questions were "how do you feel about Jamarion Bear's death?" Or "How does the team feel about J. Bear's passing"

He finishes up and walks over to the car.

"Hey baby"

"Hey mama"

The car ride home is quiet but you hear some sniffles you ask if he's ok but he just doesn't answer.

"Hey mama?"

"Yes my love?"

"How sad would you be if I killed myself?"

"Jordan why are you even thinking of that"

"I'm wondering if I killed myself instead of Jamarion killing himself and getting his first ring how would you feel?"

You stare at him with disbelief while you two are at a light.

"Jordan I would be depressed and probably kill myself just to be with you"

"Damn..." he says while the redness of the light shines on his face.

Soon you two get home and see Jordan staring into space.

"Baby how about I give you something to celebrate your win?"

"No baby it's okay I wanna spend some time by myself for a while"

"No Jordan I am not gonna let you leave this house after that question in the car"

He puts his car keys back and goes to lay down. After a while you walk into the room and see Jordan on his side with his eyes wide open staring at the Kobe's that Mari used to wear in 6th grade.

"Why would he give me his shoes and not his son?"

"Baby you were a big part of Mari's life he probably wanted you to give them to your future son"

"Wdym 'your' future son? Are you gonna leave me like how Lola left Mari?"

"No baby I'm saying that because you might leave me I feel like after Mari's death you've really isolated yourself from everybody."

"No baby you have it all wrong I would never leave you, I've just been sad about Mari's death I mean I would've never seen him committing suicide over a girl."

You lay down ready to go to sleep with out responding to Jordan. While you are just laying there you think Jordans asleep when you hear him say

"I'm sorry baby"

You turn over confused and a little sad.

"For what Jordan?"

"For isolating myself and for that question in the car. I didn't mean it I would never kill myself"

You accept his apology and start to slowly fall asleep when you feel his arm wrap around you.

"I wanna treat you better ma, I wanna give you the best life a man could give you. Your my world my everything, I want you to be my future kids mom. You mean the world to me mama if I lose you I don't know what I'd do"

"You would keep going papa. Don't let me stop you from being great."

"I'm sorry baby if I ever let you down, I promise that I'll try harder for you. And if you ever need to talk I'm here for you y/n."

You smile and turn over kissing him on the lips.

The first game of the season

Jordan sits down ready for anything flying at him.

"So um Jordan you played so much more defense and offense tonight. I mean 48 points, that's a career high. But what made you play so great tonight?"

"Um well last season we lost a warrior to a sad thought that a lot of people have, but it really was from my girlfriend and my team and knowing that Jamarion bear was a long time friend of mine and losing him put a dent in my heart, but after some time I had a talk with how I feel and how much I love the people around me that made me made me feel more joyful, and I decided to work harder than after the death."

"And what would you like to say to the kids and people at home?"

"I would like to tell them that if your going through a divorce, break up, death, etc. don't let that stop you from chasing your dreams. Don't end it all just because of something occurring in your life, take some time have a talk and move on from them but don't forget about them because they made you try harder to get there." He says holding the tears in.

He finishes up and walks over to the car. He gets in and does what he usually does then you say

"You did good papa."

"Thank you mama."

Thank you for reading this chapter

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