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"FUCK BRO!" Jordan says slamming the ball on the wall.

"Chill the fuck out Jordan!" You say to him while grabbing his ball.

"You can't make the shot if you're mad about it. Clear your head just you and the rim I'm not here."

He takes some deep breaths to cool him down as you pass the ball. You watch him very closely to see if he needs to change anything.


You walk over to him

"Look I know I'm just your teammate right now but imma keep you in place so you don't put a bad look on yourself on that court."

"I don't need advice from a goddamn girl that got fucking lucky. You average 7 points this season, talk to me when you get at least 20 in one game."

"Well fuck you too." You mumble.


"No jordan I didn't mean it like that I swear."

"Nah I'm just playing with you girl." He says laughing and hugging you

"Wanna come over after this?"

"No, I don't wanna disrupt your home time."

"No I don't mind it's pretty lonely."

"Pretty and lonely like you." He thinks

After you grab your things he gives you his number, and you two head to your homes. As soon as he gets home he texts you his address. You get ready and eat and all that then head over to his place. It's very nice I'm not gonna lie but he takes you straight to the backyard. He has a pool, an outdoor court, a little garden, and a generous amount of dirt just sitting there. He grabs the ball and starts shooting.

One hour later


You two go back in and sit down on his couch

He asks if you want something to eat or drink but you kindly decline.

"You want a tour? Damn, please make me do something to get outta this awkward moment."

"Fuck me." He thinks to himself

"You know what I would actually like a tour."

He gets up and holds his hand out to help you up. He kisses your hand, but you don't think anything of it. He brings you upstairs and goes right down the hall past all of the other rooms. You feel like a teenager again with Jordan running through the beach with a beautiful sunset in the distance. You admit that you two have done some stupid shit in the past but that stuff doesn't really matter anymore.

He opens the door and plays it off showing you his bathroom and all of his shoes.

"You know what? Fuck it." He says while smashing his lips onto yours you.

"WTF! Jordan, what are you doing??"

You push him off of you,

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now