A lost dog

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Gorgeous man

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Gorgeous man

It's a rainy morning. You wake up to Jordan singing his heart out. Your a little annoyed because your trynna sleep but his singing alway makes you laugh. You go downstairs to see him sweeping while having his black Beats by Dre headphones on you secretly change the song.


He turns around all confused and sees you he grabs his phone and changes it back he takes one side off and asks you

"Wtf was that for?"

You laugh and tell him that was for waking me up

"I'm sorry baby"

"It's okay"

You both hear your French bulldog fall. Dart over to max and pick him up. You come to find out that he hurt his leg.
You tell Jordan

"Jordy hurry we need to get to the vet"

"Ok chill out"

You get to the vet and by the time he gets to the room they come back out to tell you that...

He didn't make it.

He had a severe heart problem

You burst out in tears and jordan hugs you to try and calm you down.

The veteran asks if you want to cremate him and you answer with yes please
They take him to the back after your last goodbyes

Jordan takes you home and covers you in kisses trying his hardest to cheer you up
He goes to the store and buys

Hot Cheetos

Nerds gummy clusters

2 liter sprite

And chocolate chip cookies

He pays then returns back home he gives the snacks and steals a couple cookies here and there he puts on spider-man into the spider verse

After he grabs a blanket due to how cold it is and gets an email
Dear Jordan Anthony Poole

We are sorry for your loss we want to ask of you want the paw print in clay or paper.

We are sorry for your loss once again and hope this does not happen again to any other dog of yours.
Here is your receipt

Cremation: 209.25
Print: 25.99

He sends the email for clay and sits back down with Y/N he cuddles you and steals more cookies
A couple weeks past and you eventually get over maxes death  you come home from work and Jordan's sitting there on the couch with a box he gives it to you when you sit down you open it and


Jordan yells as you open the box to a new French bulldog you name him Draco

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now