🍀Drakes luck🍀

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Thank you sm y'all I actually can't believe how much work I'm putting into this book and ppl are actually liking it I'm so thankful for y'all


Your at a Warriors game with Drake and Micheal B Jordan of course they are more pissed than you but you look up and see Jordan Poole looking at you and Twitter is already on his dick

"Poor guy all he does is play basketball and people think that he shows off for girls but he's just locked in"

Curry then tells Jordan a play to do. Then it's a easy 3. It goes on and on till it's time game 127-127 warriors ball with 2.5 seconds on the clock. Jordan hits a 3 after 2 turnovers warriors win 130-127

You leave and drake drops you off home. You know drake only likes you as a friend and you do too you've known him since you were in college. While you're making a snack you get a dm your heart races to see the username "Jordan_poole"

You open it as fast as the blink of an eye and it says

"Hey I saw you at the game tonight with Drake I was wondering if your dating him or something?"
You answer with a no

And wait a while for an answer of

"Oh ok"

Wtf kind of answer is that like huh?

"So ummm why are you texting me? I don't think I'm that special"

"Wow you don't think you special?"

"Sir why does this matter? No sas or anything but i wouldn't think that A NBA player would dm me unless it was curry"

"Well I wanna get to know you better. I honestly didn't think you'd even see this knowing that you have 40M followers lol"

"Sure send me your number I wouldn't wanna have it on here just in case of anything"


He sends you his number you text it and he gets to know you better

"Hey umm I'm just wondering but do you live in Cali?"

"Yeah I do I actually live in SF"

"Cool wanna get coffee at 7?"

You answer with sure. You wake up to your 6:30 am alarm.

Messages 6:00


"hey you up?"


"You still up for coffee?"

Phone 6:25

3 missed calls

Jordan.. Drake🤞🏾 Micheal Bakari
Messages 6:27

Drake🤞🏾 & Micheal Bakari

"When do y'all wanna hang out again"

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now