Close friends

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You're sitting on a beach towel while Jordan and some other friends are in the water messing around. A group of guys walk up to you as one asks for your phone number. You kindly decline but they keep asking. You then get annoyed but don't say anything until you hear one say

"Come on ma we all know you think he fine, I mean he's better than JP over there. And I know you been staring at him for a while now."

Hearing him talk about Jordan is what set you off, you don't play about the people you trust.

"Lil boy, don't come around here being disrespectful to the people you don't even know. I don't want yo lil friend either."

They keep bugging you until Jordan looks over and starts walking over to you.

"Y/n! These lil kids bothering you?"

You won't lie the way he looked at them and said that was not a Jordan thing and it was kinda cute.

He stops right in front of them with the rest of your friends jogging up to him. They could tell Jordan wasn't scared to fight some college kids.

"Oh here comes Jordan Anthony Poole. A washed SG that got punched my Draymond." One in the back said as the rest started laughing.

By now you could tell that Jordan was angry. You haven't seen him this mad since losing the 2026 finals. One of the little boys cracked another joke about Jordan having a shrimp dick. He now was trying his hardest to not beat the fuck out of these punks.

"Shut the fuck up. You don't just go around asking girls for their numbers and then disrespect their friends!"

Multiple now people trying to bring Jordan somewhere to breathe and forget about them, but Jordan wouldn't budge.

"Awww old Jordan is angry now. You won't do shit if you let Draymond punch you."

He tries to move closer but the your friends are all dragging him backwards towards a tree. He turns around and walks over to the tree. The young men then turn around laughing and mocking Jordan. As you're laying down you actually start to like the outside. You hated going out because some people were just dicks like those boys, who are now asking another girl for her number.

You liked the sound of the waves and how it was perfect weather, sunny with a little breeze. As you are looking around Jordan comes back and apologizes for how he acted.

"No need to apologize. I actually think that how you were talk to them like you were a 6'7 football player with a deep ass voice."

He stares at you squinting his eyes, he reaches his hand out but before you could even move your hand the same group of boys walk back over to you.

"Uh uh no, turn the fuck around. You already started enough problems. Go back to your little hotel or go mess around in the fucking water. I am too old for yall."

They quiet down real fast and walk away. You sit back down and Jordan is now just laying there, he reaches out his arms for you. You kinda liked Jordan, sure he's your best friend and all but after what he just did, that made you feel a way. While the young man is slowly leaning in for a kiss your friends walk over and say they're ready to go. You ride with Jordan so your brother and some of his buddies can ride in your car.

You and Jordan are staying in the same hotel room so your brother and a couple other friends just go to the pool and have a blast as you and Jordan are getting ready to go to a dinner together. As he walks out of the bathroom in the nicest outfit he could possibly bring on a trip to San Diego.

"Damnnn.😩 who you looking good for?"

He chuckles and waits for you to get your dunks on. Once you get up he looks up at you smiling. 
As you're walking down the hallway he puts his arm around you.

You two get to the restaurant on a really nice little beach with a beautiful sunset. He orders a meal to feed a whole family so you just share with him.

"Y/n I was thinking for some time now. You trynna be my girlfriend?"

You happily say yes to him and enjoy the rest of your dinner with him. After paying you stare at the sunset while Jordan is rubbing your thigh and staring at you smiling. You two get up and drive to mission beach to watch the sunset.

You two look at each other and he cups your cheeks and kisses you. You both watch the sun and the people play in the water. Jordan helps you up and you two start walking to the pier and go on all kinds of rides and play all sorts of games  at the arcade there.

Jordan starts to get tired so yall head back to the hotel. As you guys walk into the room you see every one of your brother's friends and your brother sitting in the room.

"What the fuck are yall doing in here?"

"Oh we were waiting for yall to get back so we could give the key back."

They all walk out and Jordan collapses on the bed while you grab your pajamas and change in the bathroom. He asks if you could grab his shorts from his suitcase so he can just change out of his jeans. Him already being shirtless changes into his shorts as you lie down next to him.

As you two slowly fall asleep, Jordan mumbles

"Good night mama."

Something he says every night. Didn't matter if you were sleeping in the same bed, hotel room, hotel, at your own house, he even said it if you were asleep. You have some trouble falling asleep  and keep tossing and turning. But Jordan turns and holds his arms out and holds you close to him as he falls asleep.

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now