Hey hey lover

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Just look how perfect he is

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Just look how perfect he is

You wake up. It's time to get ready for school you put on a cute outfit that you bought

You get to school and see your crush you told yourself that you would ask him out today he walks over and tells you

"Finally your here I thought I would have to wait for a million hours"

You flick his head for being disrespectful

" ow wtf was that for"

"For how much I lov- I mean for how disrespectful you where being my lov- i mean Jordan"

You think to yourself
" damn Y/N you almost fucked twice that's one 2 many get it together"

Jordan walks you to class like normal but after class you didn't see him at his class he was at his locker that weird cause usually
he picks you up after class you grab your books and go to Spanish class and class begins

5 periods later

you go to the gym to watch Jordan practice and after you two go to your house and do your homework after he goes to the bathroom and he's in there for a good 20 minutes you walk in there to check on him you turn the lights on he lets out a horror movie scream your eyes dart to his hand you quickly close the door he walks out and starts down at his phone trying his bet not to look at you apologize. He forgives you and turns on Netflix you tell him how you really feel and...

He tells you that he feels the same way

You couldn't believe it he felt the same way about you

You fall asleep in his arms while he watches warriors vs lakers

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now