👫💞more than friends💞👫 pt.2

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The couple and a friend sit on the couch having a great time, you and Jordan look at each other and head to your bedroom.
Jordan sits on the bed while you tie your hair up, he pulls down his pants and boxers exposing his erection. The young woman stares at it for a second admiring it until Jordan asks

"Well? You just gonna stare at it? It's not gonna suck itself."

You then put your mouth on it and start sucking. You swirl your tongue around the tip and Jordan tries his hardest not to let out any moans. Jordan busts, you swallow it all. He and stays in the room for a sec while you go wash your mouth out.

Joel and Jordan play NBA 2k24 while you make something to eat, Joel gets up to go to the restroom and while he is walking to the restroom he looks into the kitchen and catches a glimpse of your ass. He comes back and sits next to Jordan,

Jordan's pov

"Ay man how's it like living with Y/n?" Joel asks

"It a fucking dream bro. I mean like she is great, you really fucked up. Well for you not for Me" Jordan says concentrated on the game.

They joke around for a bit then Joel says

"What would you wish for? Anything in the entire world, what would it be?"

"Man I don't even have to wish, I'm gonna put a baby in Y/n. Her and our little girl or me and our son on the court. I think about it everyday"

"Honestly I would wish to be at least 6'2 bro I wanna be in the pros like you man I promised my brother that I'd make it to the league when we were young." Joel says trying not to shed a tear

"Ay man you ok?" Jordan says pausing the game and wrapping his arm around Joel

"Yeah I'm cool"

"No your not tell me what going on"

"My brother died in 2016 I was 16 and he was 20, he had just left to go to his girlfriend's house and." Joel sniffles

"One of his best friends set him up and they killed him, they killed him right in front of me too. I watched my brother die at 16 and I couldn't do anything about it." Joel wipes his tears from his face when you walk over.

"What happened" you ask

Jordan motions not to ask. You rub on Joel's back  feeling bad for the poor guy, you don't know what to say until Jordan says

"Ay man I know how you feel, they murdered my uncle at the park while we were playing basketball, I was so close to him. I wanted to be just like him he was like my brother. These gangsters and I'm talking Eazy E and sug night type niggas, they ran up to my uncle and just shot him 5 times. I've never ran up to someone so fast with tears on my face. I called the cops and my mom but by the time they got there he was dead."

A single tear running down his face while he is doing everything to be strong for his uncle.

You still have no clue on what to say because you've never lost someone so close to you. You grab them a box of tissues to wipe their tears when Jordan says

"Why tf would I start jackin it right now??"

"WTF JORDAN?!? These are to blow that big ass nose of yours, I know how stuffy it gets when you cry"

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