BF4L (best freinds 4 life)

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This story started in 2009 in the third grade, you had just met jordan on the first day of school. He not only was in love with you but he also loved to play basketball with your older brother Cory.

"Hi Y/N"

"Hi Jordan"

"How's your morning going?"


He asked those same questions til' high school where he still loved you but stop hanging out with you as much as when you two first met. He always wanted to go over to your house but you didn't want him to get hurt.

"Y/n can we work on the project at your house please?"

"No Jordan"

He kept asking why he couldn't go over to your house every time.

"Jordan I have to tell you something" his heart raced thinking you were going to ask him out

"What?" He said with a grin on his face

"Shit I'll tell you after school"

You rushed to class because you didn't want to be late. You knew that if you were late even once he would hit you..

At 3:10

"So Y/n what were you gonna tell me"

"Look jordan I can't have you come over because my dad abuses my mom and Cory ok. I don't want you getting hurt"

He stares in disbelief

"Why didn't you ever tell me"

"Because if he found out he would-"

"Y/N COME ON" Cory yells

You rush to Cory and look back at jordan. You mouth "I'll tell you when we're older" to him because your dad goes through your phone every night making sure you don't tell anyone.

One morning you wake up and just like every morning you see your dad on the couch. You get ready for school and see that Cory is still asleep.

"CORY" You whisper

"Wake up"

He gets up and rushes to get ready. You walk out and see Jordan. You decide to skip the bus and walk with him. He starts off with the usual routine then says.

"So tell me more about your dad"

"Jordan come on"

He lighting punches you in the arm

"Come on Y/N I've been dying to hear more"

"Fine. But promise not to tell anyone"

"Promise. But what would he do if you told me and he found out"

"He would hit me for the first time..."

Jordan stops and looks at you

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now