Still with you❤️

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"Yeah?" Jordan says with a concerned face

"Remember the code word for whenever we needed each other the most?"

"Yeah it was ball. Why? Do you need to tell me something?"

"Well um.."

"Y/n we haven't talked since you transferred in high school"

Jordan instantly FaceTimes you. You answer with tears running down your face.

"Holy fuck y/n you alright?"

He says looking more concerned than before

"Remember Juan from freshman year?"

"What the fuck did that punk ass do?"

Jordan starts to get mad because he's really worried and pissed about Jose doing something to his favorite person in the world.

"He committed..."

"Holy fuck... hey 13 I'm here for you if you need to talk"

"Thanks 2"

You talk with Jordan for a while when he says

"Hey y/n why are you texting me I died in a car crash senior year.."

"No Jordan stop playing. Jordan answer please, your the only person I can talk to"

You start to cry again while looking up his death because he was your best friend since you two were 3.

"Hey is this y/n?"

"Yeah why?"

"I'm sorry I'm telling you this late but Jordan died in a car crash while he was a senior in high school. He loved you more than a friend and whenever you came around with him it felt like you were apart of the family. Please never forget about Jordan."

A couple months later

You wake up in a dream to Jordan walking through his bedroom door after you just woke up from a nap.

"Hey y/n?"


"Did you let go of me yet?"

"Yes Jordan but I won't forget about all of the great times we had together"

You wake up..

"Hey baby" your mom says knocking on your door

"Hey mama"

"Jordan's here and also this lady came by and dropped off this card for you" she says while handing you the card

It's says

"Dear y/n, I hope that you appreciate this message and to never argue with Jordan about dumb things like in your senior year a week before he died and you transferred. - angle aka Jordan's 'sister'."

Jordan walks into your room with a smile on his face.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning handsome"

"So um idk how to say this but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Jordan I've been wanting to ask you but never knew how to"

He smiles and lays down next to you.

Thanksss so much for reading this chapter❤️

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now