True love

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You notice that Jordan has been really sad lately and distant. Every time you've tried taking to him, he just walked away or didn't even listen.
You even looked at the computer search history and seen that Jordan has been looking up how to tie a millers knot and ropes. You were horrified by what he was looking up, you knew what he wanted to do and you wanted to puke. You didn't want to lose Jordan because he was the last thing you had after your brother passed.

When Jordan got home you tried to talk to him and hug him but he just ignored you and pushed you off. You tried to make conversation with him again but he screamed at you.


It hurt you a bit because Jordan never yelled at you before. It didn't scare you it just made you feel like he didn't really care for anything but his cats. You went to bed early tonight to give him some time to think.

You wake up and turn around to see if Jordan was awake.

"I went to sleep hungry because of you. We have no fucking cereal or nothing. We needa go shoppin."

"Jordan I tried to talk to you and I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the store with me but you fucking yelled at me."

"Actually shut the FUCK UP. All you do is fucking talk, nothing else."

You hit him on the back as a joke. You brush his back and kiss it.

"Don't fucking touch me bitch."

"Jordan are you okay? Ever since your mom died you've been acting like a total ass and making me feel unloved. I am actually starting to feel like you hate me for smt I couldn't control. Last night when you yelled at me I went to sleep early so you could have the alone time you've been dreaming of. I saw that search Jordan, I don't wanna lose you. You are the only thing I have left if you die I WILL end it all. I don't want any other man in the whole world. You are my perfect boy and I don't want you to think that I hate you."

The room goes silent and you move your hand down to his crotch. He grabs your hand and pulls it towards his chest. As Jordan looks dead at the wall he pulls your hand closer and closer to his lips and kisses it over and over again until he stops to say.

"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way baby. I thought that you were kinda over me because of all the times you only ate dinner then went to sleep and then my mom died and she was the only woman who I loved just as much as you. I don't wanna lose you either, I wanna die so bad but leaving in fear of this horrible world without anyone to protect you doesn't sit right with me. There's been nights where you been sleeping and I'll be up til 2 am fighting everything to not pick up a knife and just right into my skull. And every single one of those nights I made sure I kissed you goodnight before I fell asleep next to you."

You pull his head over and get up to give Jordan a kiss. As you walk downstairs you hear Jordan open and close his nightstand. You brush it off and start making breakfast for him. Jordan walks downstairs 5 minutes later and hugs you from behind.

"I love you so fucking mucccchhhh." Jordan says whining.

You scoop up a bit of eggs and let Jordan taste test it. He moans to how good they tasted, Jordan hugs you from behind again and kisses your neck as he slowly makes his ways to your ass and squeezes it tightly. You scream in pain, his hands crawl up your shirt and stop at your bra. He massages your boobs as you cook.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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