👫💞More than friends💞👫 pt.1

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It's a normal Saturday morning with Jordan, you make yourself some breakfast, because Jordan never has a care in the world about any food on the counter unless he watched you put it there for him or he made the food. He walks down in grey sweats and a white tank top.

"Good morning y/n"

"Good morning." You say while scraping your eggs onto your plate

"I can't get a name back?"

"Fine. Good morning Jordan"

He smiles and opens the fridge. You go sit down when you open your phone he says something but you didn't hear it thinking it was just some bullshit.

"Y/N did you hear me?"



You continue to look through Instagram and eat you food while Jordan makes his food. He sits down next to you and looks at his own phone. You sneak a peak of his bottom half, of course he catches you but he really doesn't care. Both of you finish your food and you offer to clean his plate, he kindly declines and runs up to his room.

An hour later

You get the cold in your room so you walk into Jordan's room to ask for a hoodie because his hoodies are way more warm than yours when Jordan screams covering himself. You slam the door by accident and walk back into your room deciding to just deal with the cold.

"What the actual fuck did I just see?" You say to yourself

You can't spot thinking of what just happened but you didn't really mind, I mean your roommate is a NBA player that the majority of his fans wanna fuck him. You hate to admit that he's attractive because you two are 'just friends' but did Jordan feel the same way?

A couple weeks later

You walk downstairs with a bag full of 3 days of clothes.

"Woah woah woah where are you going y/n?"

"To my brothers house?"

"Look I'm sorry you had to see 'it' what can I do to make you feel better?"

You think and think but you can't come up with nothing. He started listing off things he'd willingly do.

"I'll take you shopping I'll do or give anything. Just please don't leave, you are the only thing that keeps me entertained in this boring ass house."

You think again but all you can think of is his dick.

"Fuck y/n I'll even fuck you. You mean everything to me y/n, I love you."

You look at him surprised.

"Fuck I knew you didn't like me back, you can leave you should see your brother." He walks towards his room while you just stand there.

"Jordan wait..."

He stops dead in his tracks and looks back.

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now