You found my dog!

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I ain't gon say nun but this

Name coco
Sex: female
Coco is a French bulldog that got lost after being let outside

there was a whole in the fence if you find her my number is on her collar please return her if found
Please and thank you

After a couple days you were truly concerned about coco until...
You get a call.

You pick up think that they found coco and they did

When you picked up you heard a familiar voice


"Hi! Did you find my dog coco?"

"Uhhhhh yeah she's pretty heavy how much does she weigh?"

"Yeah about 45 lbs.."

"Ok just send me your address or we could meet up somewhere."

"Ok! Maybe the dog park?"

"Ok I'll meet you there"

You get to the park and see coco with the one and only Jordan Poole

When coco sees you she gets excited and runs over to you then licks you like crazy. You thank Jordan so much and you see him start to blush a bit. You ask him what you could do to repay him since there was no reward(probs the reason some ppl saw her but didn't pick her up)

Jordan doesn't want or need anything he just wanted to return the dog to the rightful owner. You ask him if he has a girlfriend he answers with no.

A couple weeks later you couldn't get jordan off your mind you check his insta to make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend so you wouldn't ruin anything. Nothing but old photos nba and some pictures with coco to return her. You dm him on insta first. No answer..

You go to your call logs and call his number...he picks up.


"Hi it's the girl that lost her dog"


"No she's safe and doing well!"

"Ok what did you call me for?"

"Oh umm I just was wondering if you wanted to umm come over to my place and hang out?"

You say knowing he would most likely say he has a girlfriend or no.

"Sure I guess"

He says hoping he won't die.

"Ok I'll send my address"

Jordan pulls up crossing his fingers knowing he shouldn't have done this but thought that she was gonna pay him back

You go out to bring him in and ask him if he's hungry or wants any snacks he says no

You sit down next to him get to know him better and find out that he surely does not have a girlfriend (not yet😏)

You tell him that how you feel about him and he's shocked

He barely knows you he doesn't reject you but he doesn't take you he says let me think for a while
Knowing you blew it

He says something you don't catch it he says it again but then coco runs out and Jordan is happy to see her
You grab Jordan's head and he thinks that's his fate but you kiss him. He's surprised and in relief that he won't die today
You try to pull away but he keeps it going he. Finally pulls away. You look at him in silence for a second then apologize but he says no need to apologize he felt the same way since he met you but thought that you had a boyfriend and a kid. You stop him to tell him he has nothing to worry about but my family.


You wake up to nothing but coco by your side.

Then you start to cry. But then the door opens and you see Jordan walking in with flowers asking what's  wrong when he sees your face. He lays down next to you looking like this

Jordan brushes you hair out of the way while he hold you close

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Jordan brushes you hair out of the way while he hold you close

He kicks coco out of the bed while you see kota and Kai curled up on the edge of the bed

Thank you for reading this chapter I appreciate it sm

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