Dynamic Duo

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"Get down on your knees bitch." The last thing you hear before Jordan busts through the door with a gun.

You wake up in the hospital not remembering anything that happened after that. You open your eyes and see Jordan walking back and forth biting his nails.

"Jordan?" You ask, he looks over fast and freezes, you can tell he looks surprised.

"Y/N? Holy shit you're awake!"

He rushes to you and hugs you. You feel a tear drop on your shoulder. You sit there wondering what happened and what time it is.

"I missed you so fucking much. I've came here for days, waiting for you."

DAYS?!? You thought you were only out for an hour or two but you never thought of days. You look at your arm and see scratches but don't remember what from. All you know is that the man had a gun and he only hit you once or twice. You brushed it off and lay back down.

You look back at Jordan and you can tell that he was tired. He looks up at you and see you staring at him.

"Do you want anything? I have all your favorite snacks, um they have a vending machine out side ur room, I got you a water, well it was actually for me but I don't need it, I can get another one."

You stare at him and smile.

"I want your dick." You say laughing.

He looks at you and asks if you're serious. You whisper yes and look away as the doctor walks in. He tells you and Jordan that you're okay to go home but you must stay home for a while and try and rest. "Thank you." You tell the doctor.

He walks out of the room and you look at him. He has a smirk on his face and you knew what that meant.

After you got home Jordan pins you against the wall, closes the door, and whispers dirty things into your ear.

"You want this dick huh? You wanna make daddy proud?" He says as he kiss your neck.
(That sounded so corny😭)

You push him off of you and go upstairs. He watches you walk upstairs. He follows you up there and sees you lying on the bed waiting for him. As he unbuckles his belt you reach under his shirt and graze his abs. When he finally gets the belt off you reach into his pants and grab his shaft. This was your favorite part about being Jordan's partner in crime since he always was a freak. As you start pumping motions you notice him stare down at your hand smiling.

You lean in and start sucking, he places his hand behind your head as you go all the way down.

"Oh fuuuuuckkkk. Mmm does this d- fuck. Does this dick taste good mama?" He says smiling and moaning.

As you lie down on the edge of the bed with your legs tucked under your stomach, he teases you a couple times before sliding it in. He starts off slow and slaps your ass. He leans over and whispers dirty words in your ear. He covers your mouth and shushes you.

"Be quiet, or imma break your shit again."

You moan even louder to mess with him.

"I guess this punishment isn't doing anything to you." He says pulling your hair.

He then grabs his phone and takes a picture of your face to save as a memory. He starts recording and pulls your hair harder and harder each time. He pulls out and starts stroking his shaft as you lie down normally. As Jordan slowly slides in he leans over and gives you a kiss. He also looks at the camera and makes a face. Jordan gets back up and kisses your feet.

As he speeds up you brush his v-line begging for mercy.

"I wish I could get this every night."

He whispers "me too."

He moans and accidentally nuts in you. Fuck he repeats over and over. He doesn't care after a second after realizing that you're his wife. Jordan props up his phone and positions you into a comfortable spot and spreads your legs. The way his tongue flicked made you melt, the warmth of his mouth was perfect. You push his head back trying to catch your breath, you then grab his head and kiss him. He gets up and lies to try and catch his breath but you grab his dick and slide down on it. He immediately supports your ass as you go down.

"Moan for me Jordan. I wanna hear how good this feels." (I can't tell if that made sense)

He starts moaning as you go up and down over and over again. You lean in and start sucking his ear making him moan even louder than before. I'm sure if someone walking by heard you and Jordan they would think it's you doing all the screaming.

"Fuck, baby I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!" He screams

You two moan in harmony as you collapse onto his chest.

"Mama I think that was our best session yet. I would fucking take you to pound town if I wasn't this tired." He says.

"I would suck the life out of you if I wasn't tired. I just hope that I'm not pregnant though."

He chuckles,

"I hope we are, I would love to see what our kid would look like."

As Jordan rubs your back, he records a story saying.

"I'm happy this is the person I'm stuck with forever. And I don't mind spoiling her because she deserves it."

Jordan puts his phone down and pulls the covers over his shoulder. His big hands slowly making their way down to your ass. You open your eyes to see that Jordan had disappeared under the covers and suddenly you feel his lips connecting with your behind. He comes back up and gets out of the bed to go get some fresh clean clothes.

Nine months later

"Hi manny." Jordan says with tears in his eyes.

He couldn't believe he's a father to your son. What he's always wanted was a kid, he always talked about it. Sure he was sad that you two couldn't have sex all the time now but his son meant everything to him. Jordan wanted to teach him how to be great like him and how to play baseball as a backup plan. You didn't want anyone in the room but you and Jordan. Yes you felt bad for not letting your loved ones come see their nephew and grandson but this was a special moment for Jordan. You didn't want somebody talking to ruin His first moments with his dad, knowing that until he's 3 he'll be relaxing then it's time to work.

JUST YOU AND ME~Jordan Poole imagines~Where stories live. Discover now