Chapter #7 Ethan

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        I stole the TV remote from Sarah but she grabbed my arm the second I went to turn it off. "Oh come on you have to learn about this if you want to impress Charlie." 

     "What about George?" "He's 14 and probably knows more about this stuff and again better than you which is sad and exactly why you need to learn, watch." Sarah pointed to the TV. 

     Now both of them were fully naked. The rest of the scene was full of passion and love, I hope to experience it myself one day but not anytime soon. 

     After the scene was over Sarah asked me. "So learn anything?" "Kinda and I saw way too much." "You'll get use to it, so if you wanna have sex with Charlie you're gonna wann-." I cut her off. "Wow wow sex?! We haven't even kissed and your thinking we've gonna have sex?!" "You guys almost kissed and it can't hurt to be prepared." 

     "Well it's not gonna happen anytime soon." "Eve at this rate George is gonna have sex before you." I quickly looked at George. He shrugged and said "Probably." My jaw dropped. "Don't look surprised, you know it's true." Sarah told me. 

     I hate to admit it but they were right. George is 15 and I'm 17 soon. He'll be getting with girls. Well, I'm still single. "So George, do you have anyone in mind?" I teased. " you mean by that?" George stuttered. 

    "Well got anyone you like you should start dating soon or you'll end up like this one other here." Sarah said pointing over to me. "Hey! Being single isn't that bad." "It is that bad. Learn from an expert." She said well pointing to herself now. 

     "Well all that's true don't force yourself to date if your not ready." "Thanks eve I-" I cut him off. "But when we asked about a crush your face said it all, you have a crush don't you!!" I pointed out. "Well yeah I do." George mumbled. "Well come on, tell us about her." 

     George's head dropped to ground something I said bothered him. Maybe she doesn't like him back so it's a tough topic. "Sorry George if you don't wanna talk about it then that's fine sorry for pressing." "It's fine eve." 

     "Hey, let's get out of this boring house and go somewhere." Sarah said. "Go somewhere? I'm a mess, I can't leave the house." I said. "I don't care, you look fine, Come on let's go get some ice cream or something I'll drive." Sarah said. 

     "You're the only one who can drive." I say. "No you can drive, you just don't like to." "That's true." George races out the door and yelled. "I call shotgun!" I'm fine with that, most siblings fight over the front seat but I could care less about where I sit in the car except in the driver seat.

     We all hopped into the car and buckled up our seat belts. I tried to fix my mess hair a little looking at my phone camera. Sarah hit a bump and my phone went flying into the front of the car. George pick up my phone from under his feet. 

     "Oh lookie here, look what I got." He said. "George, give me my phone back." I said to him. "What If i took a look at your messages with Charlie?" He threatened. "George! Don't you dare!" I yelled at him. "You know I could send him a text telling him how much you like him." He teased me. 

     "George, don't even think about it!" I hated how the idea made my face burn."George give her a break." Sarah saved me by taking my phone away from George and handing it back to me.

     "Besides, Charlie probably already knows Eve likes him." She told George. "What no-." "And he clearly likes you it's only a matter of time until you realize it." Sarah tried explaining to me. I was at a loss for words. 

     I whispered to myself "He likes me?" "Are you serious you don't know? He tried to kiss you, don't you think that's a big hint!" "How you do know? Maybe he just fell-" "sure didn't look like a fall. It's ok if your in denial but he tried to kiss you, which means he likes you for god sakes." 

     I could hear George trying to hold in his laughter. I stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride. I was pretty embarrassed. We arrived at the ice cream place after what seem like forever but in reality was only a short ride. We could've walked if we really wanted to. It might've taken us a half hour to get there by foot though. 

     I hopped out of the car. We waited in line for ice cream. "George, what would you like?" I asked him. "I want chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles in a cone." "Alright, Sarah, what about you?" "It's fine, I can pay for myself." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." 

     It was our turn in line I walked up to the guy serving ice cream. "Hi can I get a chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles in a cone?" "Is that all?" "No, can I also get a strawberry sundae?" "Sure, that will be $8.84" I handed him a 10 dollar bill. 

     "You go to my school, Evelyn right?" The ice cream worker asked me. "Yes, that's me, I'm sorry I don't remember you, who are you again?" I asked him. "I'm Ethan, I was in your ELA class, you were top of the class." "Yeah, ELA is my best class." "Well it was nice seeing you." "You too." "Maybe I can get your number and when school starts up again you could help me with ELA. It's my worst subject." "Sure. I'd be happy to help." 

     He handed me his phone and I put my number in. When I handed it back to him he looked down at his phone and smiled for a second and looked back up at me. "I'll text you." "I'll be waiting." I joked. 

     I walked over to the other window where you get your ice cream when it's done. Sarah ordered her ice cream right after us. When Sarah was done ordering she walked over to us.

     "Dude what was that?!" She asked me.  "I don't know what your talking about?" "You gave that guy your number." "Yeah, he goes to our school." "I know that, he was totally hitting on you!" "No he wasn't, he just asked for help with ELA next year." "Oh come on, that was just an excuse to get your number." "Really?" "Girl, I love you but sometimes you can be obvious." "It's just hard to believe a guy would be hitting on me." "Why?" "Well hello? Look at me." I gesture to myself. "I'm looking, I don't see any problem." "I'm a mess." "You can be a mess sometimes but you're fine." 

     Our ice creams came out. Ethan handed me mine and George's ice cream. "Hope you enjoy your ice cream." Ethan said. "Thank you, we will, have a nice day." I said. "You too, I hope to see you again some time." "Yeah that would be nice." I smiled back at him. 

      The way he was looking at me I think Sarah was right, maybe he was hitting on me. Wow, that's never happened before. I handed George his cone. Sarah's ice cream came out not long after. "So Evelyn's getting all the guys now." George teased me. 

     "No." I said quickly. "Two guys in one day, that's a new record for you." He said. "You should be proud of yourself." Sarah told me. "Proud of what exactly?" I asked. "That you're making improvement with guys!" "It feels weird." "You'll get used to it." 

     It feels so weird I never really thought about guys before until recently. Ethan was kinda cute but nothing compared to Charlie. Just then my phone buzzed breaking me out of my thoughts and bring me back to reality. 

     I checked who it was from. It was Charlie! Think about someone enough times and they'll text you. "Oh let me guess that was Charlie?" George asked. "Or was it Mr ice cream flirt?" "It's Charlie." I said, showing them the phone.

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