Visionaries (Sneak peek)

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     Hey guys! i thought of a new story idea that i have in enjoyed writing, its fantasy  with some romance 👀 three guys who will she pick? what will she discover? Tell if this story sounds interesting after this intro/Sneak peek at Visionaries.

     We live in an imperfect little world, disaster and destruction. It's like what humans think of an apocalypse. Nothing but chaos and war between species. If you haven't guessed we aren't humans, nor are we aliens. We are similar to humans, but more intelligent. We look human, but we're even more powerful than a human could ever imagine. Humans don't know our existence, we hide among them, we protect them. Humans don't even know they're in danger. They believe people are dying due to suicide now a days, but that's not the case. They just can't see what's been killing them all slowly. These kinds of creatures feed off of human emotions, humans are pretty emotion-able and easy for these creatures. What humans call depression is really one of these creatures feeding on them slowly sucking away their soul. All these mental disorders people have made up in their heads to find some kind of solution. We call them Descepter because humans and other species can't see and they block out humans emotions, but for some reason only we can see them. We don't like the term alien. We like to call ourselves Visionaries. I don't know where the name came from, but somewhere along the way of our ancestors they came up with the name. Visionaries life span is longer than most humans, Visionaries take very well care of themselves and loved ones. Visionaries' life span can last up to one hundred fifty years. Our technology is a lot more advanced than humans, but it is fun to watch them try to compete. When a Visionarie comes of age we get sent out on our very first mission. Visionaries consist of going into the human world to protect them. We go into places that ghouls like to creep around. Schools are the biggest place that ghouls like to hide. When we go into the human world we blend in and act as one of them, we don't look different from humans. Some of the rare qualities that some humans possess are more common among Visionaries, for example white hair and heterochromia iridum. Visionaries have special abilities, every Visionaries can turn invisible but we also all have our individual abilities. We work as a team to take down Descepters. Descepters don't feed on Visionaries but they still can very much kill us, that's why Visionaries go through lots of training to be prepared. Visionaries training is similar to human school. We learn things as well as train and learn what our abilities are. Tomorrow is my big day where I learn my ability, not long after getting your ability you get your first mission. I'm seventeen going on eighteen, the day I turn eighteen is the day I get my first mission. 

-End of intro/sneak peak

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