Chapter #5 *Gasp*

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     "You know you need soap too." "I-I know that pass the soap." I passed the soap over to him but I Squeezed it a little too hard and soap squirted onto Charlie's face. "Pfffff" I couldn't help it but I started laughing.

     "Oh I see how it is" Charlie splashed me with soapy water from the sink. "HEY!" "Don't start a war that you can't finish." "Well if that's how you wanna play it." I grabbed the rinser and shot charlie with the blast of water. 

     He was soaking wet his hair was wet and his shirt was soaked. I felt bad but I couldn't stop laughing. Charlie snatch the rinser out of my hand and shot me with water just like I did to him. Even though I was soaking I didn't care I still couldn't stop laughing. At this point Charlie was also laughing. We laughed so hard. 

     My brother came down the stairs wonder what happened. Charlie and I were dying of laughter on the floor soaking wet. "What the heck did you guys do?!" My brother asked.

    After tons of laughter I Manage to get out some words. "We we were doing the dishes." "Well it looks like you did a bad job the dishes are still dirty." My brother said. "We got a little distracted." " I can see that."

     I stood up and took a step towards Charlie and slipped and fell right back down to the ground. All 3 of us started laughing so hard. Charlie stood up this time and reached out his hand to me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. We were both soaking wet in a puddle of water. 

     "I better go change my clothes there soaking wet, George do you think you can let Charlie borrow some of your clothes?" I asked George. "Yeah sure but my clothes might be kinda small on you." George said.

     "That's fine let's go upstairs and see if we can find something that'll fix my giant body." Charlie joked. I watched Charlie and George run up the stairs like little kids. I grabbed a towel and wiped up all the water we got on the floor. Man, we really did make a mess, but it was fun.

     After cleaning up I went to my room to change my soaked clothes. While in my room I overheard George and Charlie talking. 

     "Please don't tell my sister you saw that." "I won't, I understand." I could tell they were trying to keep their voices down but I could still hear them loud and clear. I guess my brother is keeping something from me and my parents and now Charlie knows. I can't decide if I should confront him about it, or let it go because he clearly doesn't want me to know.

     Ugh, but I wanna know what it is. I grabbed some comfortable clothes because I don't care how I look right now I just wanna be comfortable. I know Charlie's here and I want him to like me so walking out of my room looking like a piece of trash might not be the best choice, but then again even when I do try I still don't look presentable. 

     I know he's here and acting all nice and cute but I know he doesn't like me so I'm just gonna wear comfortable clothes. I put on a pair of shorts and an over sized T-shirt plus white socks that cover my ankles. Then I put my hair up into a messy ponytail. I went back down stairs and found Charlie and George in the living room.

     "I guess you found something that fits?" I asked. "Yeah it's a little tight here and there but I make it work." Charlie said. His shirt was so tight I could see his muscles and he looked good. I tried not to stare. I went back over to the sink to finish the dishes that we never finished. 

     "Oh, why don't I help you out with those." Charlie said. "Oh, I think you've done enough to help already, you can keep your little butt over there on the couch." I said. "Little?! Have you seen this?! This behind is not little." He stood up and was showing off his butt like he was super proud of it, plus his pants were really tight making his butt look really good but i wasn't going to tell him that. "Sure whatever you say then." I said. "Wow rude I'm offended, George this isn't little right?" I gave George a look and his face lit up. I couldn't tell which side he was on. "Nope! Nowhere near little." George said. "Thank you! See someone sees it." I rolled my eyes at him and went back to doing the dishes.

     I finished and put the dishes away. I saw George and Charlie getting along well so I left them to finish the rest of my chores. On the kitchen table mom had left me a list of chores me and George had to do but there wasn't that much so I did them all myself so George wouldn't have to do them.

     After finally finishing all the chores I plotted onto the couch next to Charlie. "Hey, where have you been?" Charlie asked me. "I've been doing all the chores around here." I said. "Oh yeah I better do my chores too." I saw George stand up quickly and run to the kitchen to check the list. "Wait, why are all my chores crossed out already?"

    "I did them, that's why there crossed out" "But why?" "You and Charlie looked like you guys were having fun so I did your chores for you so you didn't have to worry about them and it was easier to do them myself." "Well thank you Eve." "No problem George, but just because I did them today doesn't mean I'm going to do them everyday." George laughed and said "I know." "Don't tell mom I did them either." "Ok! I'll gladly take the credit." 

     Charlie scooted closer to me then put his arm around my shoulders. "That was nice of you to do your brother's chores for him." Charlie said. " Yeah I just did them so the house would be clean." I could feel my brother staring at us. I looked towards him and yup there he was staring at us with theses wide eyes. I tried to ignore him. 

     "So why did you need to walk home? Your 17 can't you drive?" Charlie asked me. "Wow coming from someone who's 18 and had his mom pick him up from dinner last night." I replied. "Well for your information I can drive, my car is just at the shop I get it back today, now you answer my question." "Fine, I'm sorry, I can drive I have my license but I don't have a car my family doesn't have enough money for another car." "Oh sorry I didn't know that I was just wonder that's all." "Nah it's fine who needs cars when I have two perfectly good legs to get me places." "That's sad." "Is not." "It kinda is." 

     Charlie grabbed the TV remote. "So what are watching?" Charlie asked with a big grin on his face. "This is my house my TV my remote so I get control." I said. "Oh no mama is awake now." I rolled my eyes at him. 

     "Give me that." I demanded. I tried snatching the remote out of his hands but he caught my hand before I could reach the remote. "Hey! Let go!" I yelled. "Never!" He joked. I tried grabbing the remote with my other hand but he caught my hand again. He had dropped the remote to grab my hand. We both looked down at the remote. I tried to break free from his grasp but he was a lot stronger than me. 

     I pushed him down to the ground. I was sitting on top of him. "Ha ha I got you now!" I said with a big smile on my face. I could see Charlie's smile was just as big if not bigger. "On the contrary mademoiselle." He said well flipping me over so he was on top now. 

     Suddenly we both went silent. I realize how close his face was to mine. I watched his eyes trail from my eyes to my lips. My eyes went straight to his lips. He slowly leaned in and slightly turned his head. I closed my eyes. I felt his lips brush against mine. At that moment I heard the front door open followed by a gasp. 

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