Chapter # 13 Shopping

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     We piled into the car. I made sure that I grabbed some cash to put in my wallet. Geogre and Matt sat in the back seat together. While Sarah drove and I was in the front seat. Matt and George did look good together. 

     George has dirty blonde hair and Matt has a darker brown hair color. George has green eyes like mine with a circle of brown in the middle. Matt has brown eyes with more of a darker circle in the middle. Matt seemed like the tough bad boy kinda type but he didn't act like it. When we arrived at the store we all jumped out of the car to run into the store. It felt like we were little kids again racing to see who would get to the door first. 

     Matt got to the door first, opening it for George like a gentleman. He held the door open for everyone. When shopping Sarah picked out all these clothes for the boys to try on. Sarah dressed George in a tan blazer with tan pants and a light blue under shirt. He looked pretty good. 

     "How'd I look?" Geogre asked. "You look amazing." I told him. Matt said something but it was something only George could hear. I saw George's cheeks flush red. Sarah dressed Matt in a black shirt with an opening that showed some of his chest with gray pants and a belt. "What do you think of my outfit?" Matt asked George, pulling him closer to him. 

     George quickly looked away and mumbled something. I saw Matt twine their fingers together and pull George away into the dressing rooms. "Damn, I have a pretty good guess about what they're doing." Sarah pointed out. "Me too but I'm trying not to think about it because that's my brother." "Their relationship is cute, it's the golden retriever and the black cat." "Oh my gosh I see it." "Now what are we gonna do for you?" 

     Sarah dressed me up in a light pink cross over shirt in a tight white skirt with these beautiful gold high heels. "Bam! Ladies and gentlemen there's my masterpiece!" Sarah said like I was a piece of art. Sarah did a good job dressing us all up. 

     George and Matt also got these matching jackets that one side was black and the other side was a flannel pattern. George got a blue one and Matt got an orange one. We paid for everything and left the store. It was pretty pricey. 

     "Ok now we should model our new clothes, let's go somewhere to take instagram photos." Sarah said excitedly. "Oh I know a great place." Matt said. He pulled out his phone and started showing Sarah some of his Instagram photos. The background was really pretty. "Looks great, where is it?" 

     Matt told Sarah where the place was while I put our clothing bags in the trunk. "So what do you think of Matt?" George asked me. Appearing out of nowhere scaring the life out of me. "He seems nice, you guys seem into each other, also how did you get a guy that attractive?" "A magician never reveals his secrets, what about you though you got Charlie and he's pretty attractive." "I don't have Charlie." "Evelyn, you're a beautiful kind and overall an amazing person and Charlie seems into you come on!" I smiled at him. 

     "Anyways we saw you guys go into the dressing room I assume something happened." "Yeah." George said, looking away with a small blush across his face. "Are you gonna give me some details?" I asked him. "Well Matt led me into a dressing room, closing the door behind him. He slid his hands around my waist pulling me so close I could smell his scent. He leaned in and started kissing me so passionately. He pushed me up against the dressing room door. His hands went up and down me. I grabbed his black shirt and started to unbutton it. He's so hot and looks amazing shirtless." 

     "So did anything else happen?" "No, I unbuttoned his shirt just for the view, you know?" "I know." "He's amazing, he's so hot and so gentle with me, he's kind, I like him so much." George's smile was so big. I could tell Matt made him happy. 

     "Guys what's taking you so long back there we're ready to go." Sarah yelled back to us." "Coming." I yelled back. We hopped into the car and Sarah started driving. We got to the place for the photos. We put our new outfits on. I don't really take Instagram photos so I didn't really know how to pose. We all took some photos together. I got some with just Sarah. Some photos with just George. And I even got some photos with just Matt. We got a lot of group photos together. We looked pretty good. 

     George and Matt put on their matching jackets and took some cute photos. I saw Matt glare around. He kissed George and I took a photo. George looked a little shocked. I looked at the photo I just took on Matt's phone. It was super cute. "Aw you guys look adorable." I said showing them the photo. 

     "We do look cute." Matt said, looking at George. George grabbed Matt's arm. "Don't you dare post that on Instagram." George told him. "Don't worry I won't, I wouldn't want to out you. This is just for me." Matt reassured him. I saw the relief. On George's face. 

     "Matt, are you out to people?" I asked him. "Well kinda just some friend I'm not really out, out." "Makes sense." They also got a photo of George kissing Matt on the cheek. Another photo that was just for them. "Does posting you guys together on Instagram raise suspicion?" I asked. 

     "Not really people know we're close friends so they don't think of it as anything." "Eve, it's past 6:00 your mom should be home by now, will she wonder where her kids are?" Sarah asked me. "I texted her so knows where we are." I told her. "Matt, I can drive you home." Sarah offered. 

     "Thank you, I would appreciate that." He thanked her. I looked at my text messages. I had a ton from Charlie I never replied to. He seemed worried. He was wondering if I got home ok but my drunk text didn't help. I texted him. "Hi Charlie I'm sorry for taking so long to respond. I got home ok and I've sobered up." 

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