Chapter # 20 pizza 🍕

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     Matt closed his eyes while George's eyes were focused on the TV. Matt really must be tired.

     30 minutes passed before the pizza finally arrived. I got the pizza from the delivery man as well as paid for the pizza. I grabbed 4 plates for everyone and myself. I put one slice of pizza on each plate and put the plates at each chair in the dining room. "Ok, come eat!" I called from the kitchen out into the living room.

     "Come on Eve, why can't we just eat here." George whined from the living room. "George, you know how mom and dad are about food in the living room. Just be happy they even let us eat snacks on the couch." Sarah was the first one to walk into the dinning room with me. "Sometimes I forget how strict your parents are." Sat down at the table in front of one of the plates of pizza I had placed on the table. "My house looks like a family of pigs that live there." I sat down in the chair next to Sarah. "That's because a family of pigs do live there." "Hey!" Sarah shrieked while hitting me playfully then smiling. Geogre raced into the kitchen to join us. As he started to sit down I stopped him by putting my arm out. 

     "George, aren't you forgetting something." I darted my eyes towards the living where Matt was fast asleep. "Oh yeah." He left as quickly as he came. 

     "Babe, wake up. The pizza's here." George seemed to try to keep his voice down but we could still hear him from the living room. "I know you're tired but you need to eat something." I heard some rustling Matt must be getting up. 

     The boys joined us at the table. The conversation went along smoothly. I had only one slice of pizza while Sarah and George both had three slices while Matt had two. When everyone stood up to leave I grabbed George's arm. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second, alone?" Concern and Confusion spread across George's face. Sarah took the hint and took Matt back into the living room. 

     "Is everything ok?" George was the first one of us to speak. "Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about Matt." "Matt?" He asked in pure confusion. "I mean is everything ok at home with him? He just seems so tired and can't stay awake." "Ohhh. That's so sweet of you to be worried but nothing's going on at home. Well we don't know if Matt's parents will accept him or me or us. It just never comes up and I guess it's better that way. But the reason Matt is so tired is kinda my fault." "How so?" "Well I kept him up all night talking on the phone and asked him to come over the second mom and dad left for work which was pretty early so he didn't sleep much." "But neither did you, how did you not pass out?" Geogre just shrugged. "Well sorry for being paranoid." "Eve it's in your nature." "My what?" "Your nature. You're caring and kind. You care deeply about other people and how things are for them at home. You try to make things better and then forget about yourself. Even though I love you and I appreciate your concern, everything's fine and I'm just saying to take care of yourself a little more." 

     George placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. "Wow that a lot coming from such a little man." "Little man?" "You heard me." I said while walking away after giving George a smug smile.

     I went to the kitchen counter where the pizza box was. There were only a few slices left in the box. I grabbed a big ziplock baggie and put the pizza slices in the ziplock then placed the ziplock in the fridge. I took a picture of the pizza in the fridge and sent it to both of my parents to let them know there was leftover pizza if either of them wanted some.

     When I closed the fridge Sarah was standing behind the door. A scream broke free from my lips. I quickly covered my mouth. "Sarah! You scared the crap out of me!" I scolded her. "Sorry." She shrugged her shoulders.

     She started circling around me. "Don't think I didn't notice." "Notice what?" "You had only one slice of pizza." "So? You know I don't eat much that isn't new." She narrowed her eyes on me. I feel like I'm being interrogated. "You order only pepperoni." "So? Everyone wanted pepperoni." "Except you." "What?" "You know me well but I also know you well. So I know that you prefer just cheese but your favorite is white pizza but you'll eat pepperoni if it's put in front of you." "So what's your point Sarah?" "Eve my point is that you always put others before yourself." "Sarah it's ok, everyone likes pepperoni and I knew I would be the one to eat the least amount of pizza so why does it matter?" "Well maybe you would eat more if you had something you like." 

     And with that she walked away. I know Sarah is just looking out for me. But you know it's just easier to just order the pizza that everyone likes. The rest of the night went smoothly. Matt ended up leaving right before our parents got home. Even though Matt was reluctant to leave George. My mind traveled back to earlier that day when Charlie refused to leave. 

     Sarah ended up staying the night. The two of us were up late talking about our boyfriends and how we should go on another double date again. We ended up passing out around three in the morning.

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