Chapter #14 Look who's back

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     Days went by that me and Charlie didn't speak. He would text me but I wouldn't reply. He would ask to meet up. I always told him I was busy. I felt bad that I was ignoring him but I couldn't face him after what I did at that party. There was a knock at my front door. I went downstairs to the front door. 

     I opened the door and it was Charlie. I wasn't even surprised to see him. Charlie can be very persistent. "Charlie, what are you doing here?" I asked him trying not to making eye contact. "To see you of course." "I would invite you in but I'm busy like I said in my texts, thank you for stopping by." 

     "Evelyn, I know your not busy, why are you ignoring me?" He said well, stopping me from closing the door. He got really close to me. His gentle hand lifted my chin forcing me to make eye contact with him. 

     "Evelyn, tell me what I did and how I can make it up to you." I looked away as I said "You didn't do anything." "Then why are you avoiding me?" He pulled my chin closer to his face again, forcing me to make eye contact again. 

     I stepped back trying to break free from his grip but he only stepped closer. "Evelyn, what's wrong you can talk to me." "It's just-" "It's just what?" He pressed. "I was embarrassed to face you after what I did at that party." "Because you were drunk?" "Yes, and I kissed you. I'm sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." 

     His hand was still on my chin. He pulled my chin forward, closing the gap between our lips pressing them together. When our lips parted away from each other my face all filled with shock. "Why do you look so shook? We've kissed before, or am I just that good?" He teased. 

     "Well um- it was a good kiss I-I just didn't think you would kiss me." I stuttered through my words as I spoke. "Well I'd gladly do it again." His hand slid from chin to cupping the side of my face by my cheek. He pulled me closer to him, kissing me again and again and again. 

     I felt Charlie part his lips to deepen the kiss. I followed Charlie's lead and parted my lips as well. I feel as if I'm dreaming. I can't believe Charlie is kissing me right now. I pushed him back, breaking the kiss. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's nothing I just-." I stepped back but Charlie grabbed my hands pulling back towards him. 

     "Evelyn please talk to me, I really like you and I wanna make this work." "I like you a lot too Charlie, this just doesn't seem real to me." "Well it is real, I'm here." His hands are still holding mine. I pulled his arms in closer, pulling him into a hug. 

     "Thank you for putting up with me, you're the best." He squeezed me tighter. "No, you're the best." Then I finally broke the hug, it felt like it lasted forever. "Do you wanna come in?" I asked Charlie. "Sure. but i thought you were busy, you know like you said in your texts." He tried to hide his smile but he was grinning too wide. I gave him a look. 

     "Come on just get in here."  I said while pulling him into the house then I closing the door behind him. "Oh by the way my brother's b- friend is over." Damn I almost slipped that. Charlie looked a little confused but didn't question it. "That's fine." 

     "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said running up the stairs. I opened the bathroom door, closing it behind me then locking it. I quickly peed, then I went over to the bathroom mirror and checked my hair and face. I fixed up my hair. I didn't wear any makeup today. I brushed my teeth. Just in case. I check my skin for any white heads my face was surprisingly clear. I couldn't stop staring at my swallow lips thinking about how Charlie just kissed me. I was still in shock. 

     I pinched myself. Nope not dreaming, this was real. I opened the bathroom door to go back down stairs but when I opened the door Charlie was standing right behind the bathroom door, scaring me and making me jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to see you and I was getting impatient." "It's fine I just didn't think you would be standing there, I don't think you've ever seen my room before." I said while I grabbed Charlie's hand pulling him toward my bedroom. 

     No, we aren't going to have sex. Maybe some kissing, but nothing else. I keep my room pretty clean. I get bored easily over the summer so I just clean. I don't have a TV in my room like other kids do but I don't really care that much I read most of the time anyways. 

     Charlie walked to the book shelf I have in my room. "You have a lot of book, you like to read don't you?" "Yeah, I mostly read that's why I'm not really on my phone much, well unless I'm texting you." I darted my eyes away from him during that last part. 

      "Oh to text me huh? What's makes me so important?." He teased grinning getting closer again. I shoved him. "Shut up! You know exactly why." After I shoved him again before I could pull my arms away Charlie grabbed them. "Is it because of this?" He asked pressing his lip against mine. 

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