Chapter 6

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Chapter dedicated to niallismyirishcutie for leaving encouraging comments :)

Chapter 6 (Un-edited)

Jace’s POV


One word that my mind keeps chanting. Her name has been popping randomly in my mind. Heck I can’t even forget her face; her soft brunette curly hair, her twinkling blue eyes that changes depending on her mood, her soft skin, and her natural pink soft lips.

She didn’t refuse to go on a date with me. I really have good acting skills. Keith taught me that; to act nervous and cute to get a girl.

“Your plan working, dude?” Charles, my best friend, asked.

“Yeah, so far so good. We’re going on a date this night.” I replied proudly.

“Good. But she’s the only girl that lasted for three days. I bet she’ll give in this night.” He chuckled. My knuckles are balling to fist whilst my jaws are clenching and unclenching. It’s weird.

“Chill man! Are you going mushy on this girl?” He laughed. I shook my head, trying to clear my mind.

“No! Me? Mushy?” I scoffed. “I don’t even like her, she’s a goody-two-shoes. She’s not my type.” I uttered.

“Good because you need to win this bet. I paid good money on this one. She looks gullible. We need proofs too. So, here take this spy camera.” He gave me a little ‘spy camera’ thing and left. I chuckled and threw the camera somewhere in the bushes.

So here, I know you’re confused what we were talking about.

We almost have all of the girls here at Wattprep high’s virginity. No, I mean, I don’t take their virginities but they want me to. It’s a blessing, I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to that.

And now, my friends want me to take Chelsea’s. They told me that if I can’t take her V-card in one month, I’ll lose the bet. I didn’t ever lose a bet. Chelsea was the only girl that took me long enough to take hers. I know what you’re thinking; yes, the girls here took me one night to get theirs- cheap right? And I’m taking Chelsea’s tonight.

School ended ten minutes ago but I’m still on the parking lot, thinking about her. I walked to my car slowly but before I can open the car door, someone called out my name.

“Jacey!” I stiffened at the nickname, that’s what Chelsea called me last party. But unfortunately, It’s Whitney.

She always throws herself at me. And for Whitney, it took me two hours to get hers. I don't even think she was a virgin when I screwed her. She’s hot and all but I’m tired of her. I already tasted her but I don’t say ‘no’ to girls.

She swayed her hips on her way to me trying hard to be seductive.

“Hey.” I muttered. She gave me a flirtatious smile as she snaked her arms around my neck.

“Want some fun?” She said, almost whispering. “In your car?” She added.

I take back what I said a while ago, I do say ‘no’ to girls. Sometimes.

“No, I need to rush home. I need to go.” I pushed her off of me. She gave me a disappointed look and she groaned as she turned on her heel. She’s not used to rejection.

I drove myself to my house and took a bath, getting ready for our date. I know you’re thinking why I invited her at my house for our date but hey I have a plan, remember? And my house is also big enough to hold a date. I know I’m rich but I really need to win the bet because I don’t want to lose.

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