Chapter 1

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Lloyd's pov:

   After rebuilding the monastery, I heard the commissioner said to...Harumi, the girl that broke my heart, tried to kill me and my family and also resurrected my fa- Garmadon. Thinking about her makes me have mixed feelings, rage, sad,...but parts of me still..loves her. I snapped out of my head when the commissioner called.

  " Alright Lloyd, me and Harumi should get going."

  Go where? And why is bringing Harumi with him?

   " Where are off to, commissioner?"

   I asked, wondering still

   " To take this girl to Kryptarium? She's lucky enough that she didn't faced anything quite near the crimes she did."

   The commissioner said while giving a dirty glare to Harumi, who was looking down, at the floor. I wanted to say something but I don't know if I should, she did tricked and used me but she also fight along side with me and Garmadon against the Overlord.

   "Well, see you later, Green ninja!"

   "Wait!" I reached my hand out, still unsure about what I'm about to do.

   The commissioner turned back, he raised an eye brow.

   "Me and the ninjas can take her 

   "Are you serious?" The commissioner said, very shocked.

   Harumi's pov:

   I was about to go to the Kryptarium prison with the commissioner, honestly, I deserved it. I was and am a monster...towards Ninjago, towards the ninjas. I was foolish to think Lloyd Garmadon killed my parents when he didn't, it was that Overlord! And now, because of that, I'm going to prison. I felt tears about to fall out but I hold it back, I hate crying.. The last time I cried was a long time ago..

   "Well, see you later, Green ninja!"

   Guess It's my time for me to go, I looked up to see Lloyd, he looks like he was lost in thought, probably thinking about how to celebrate me going to jail. I hurt him him the most.. I broke his heart, tried to kill his friends and sent his father against him for revenge.

   "Wait!" Lloyd reached his hand out then slowly set it down.

   What is he trying to do? Should I be concern? 

   "Me and the ninjas can take her in."

   That was definitely not what I expected AT ALL!! I can't stay with the ninjas, they hate me, why would he say that!? I started to panic, but I didn't show it.

   "Are you serious?"

   The commissioner said with the same shocked face as I am. 

   "Yes, we can keep an eye on her!"

   Please don't say yes, then again.. I don't really wanna go to prison. You know what? I'll just let the commissioner.

   "Fine, if you say so..."

   Guess I am living with the ninjas, I still am confused, why would Lloyd kinda save me from prison.. Lloyd then signal something to his friend. His friend went to him and they seem to be discussing something, which probably is about me.

Lloyd pov:

   After the commissioner left, I looked at Harumi, she seemed shocked, I am too. I only did it so that she can change into something better than what she was.. in the past. She deserve a second chance and she can't do that in jail. Wait! I didn't ask the rest of the team, they are gonna be mad at me for sure. Anyways, I still have to report this to them so I signaled to them to come. They all nodded and slowly walk towards to me.

   "What 'cha want to talk about bro?"

   Kai said, placing his elbow on my shoulders.

   "Yea Lloyd, is something wrong?"

   Nya quickly said, she developed a habit which she would ask me if I'm fine often after Garmadon was resurrected.

   "Guys, please don't be mad... but I invited Harumi to you know... live with us?

   I said nervously which made it become a question, hoping their answers won't be screams.


   And I was wrong, Kai finally got his elbow off of my shoulder and place his hands on my shoulder this time and he starting...SHAKING ME?! Also screaming continuously: "WHY? WHY? WHY!!" while the others started screaming at my face of what Harumi did while Zane tried to stop Kai from shaking me. After that, I said:

   "Guys, It's fine, I'll be fine, I just want to give her a second chance! Nothing else!"


   Jay screamed before being hit by Nya, I don't know if I still like her or not, I just know that I'm not ready for love yet.

   "Anyways, please be civil, you can ignore her all you want, just don't make her feel unwanted, please."

   "Because she is UNWANTED!"

   Nya shouted, I know that Nya just want me to be safe but I am more aware now, not... gullible and naïve! I just sigh and hugged Nya (NOT A SHIP)

   "I'll be fine, I promised

   Nya hugged me back and said: "I trust you lil bro..."

   After we broke the hug, I went back to Harumi.

Harumi pov:

   After Lloyd said something, everyone started freaking out? Kai was shaking Lloyd, everyone else started screaming, only the nindroid tried to stop the chaos. They continues talking before Lloyd pulled Nya into a hug, their sister-brother relationship makes me think, have anyone actually cared for me? After my parent's death, no one really cared for me. The emperor and empress just wanted me for their "perfect" family while Garmadon just kinda seem to care for me? The only one that really cared for me was the ninjas, especially Lloyd. And I betrayed him..

   I heard someone called me, it was Lloyd. I smiled and said: "Yes?" but he responded with out looking at me.

   "Follow me, I'll show you to where you will stay."

   While we walk, I tried to talk to him, I wanted to apologize and thank him.


   "I'm not up to any gamess of yours, Harumi. I just want to help you, that's it."

   Lloyd cut me off, he didn't even looked at me, I don't blame him..

   "Here's your room, if you need anything, just ask me." He said, still not looking at me.

   "Thank you Lloyd..."

   I said, Lloyd finally looked at me and nooded, then he walked away. I noticed that Lloyd, no, I coudn't really detech any emotion from him I guess he got good at hiding his emotion, because of me.. After setting my stuffs down, I didn't have anything to do so I decided to go outside. I saw Lloyd sitting with his friend in the I suppose game room, they were all laughing and smiling except for Lloyd. He seemed out of it. Then I heard Nya asked Lloyd, maybe they noticed his moo

   "Lloyd.. what's wrong? Is it about Harumi?"

   Of course It's gonna be me, I am in his home, where I destroyed while working with the Overlord. Lloyd answered:

   "No, it's just Garmadon's coming over tomorrow.."

   Garmadon!? No no no! I can't see him, It'll be awkward. Also it seems like he likes Lloyd now so me being his "daughter before its just...weird.

   "Your dad?" Cole asked..

   "He's not my dad...!" Lloyd mumbled before standing up and left.

   I ran back to my room, he doesn't see Garmadon as his dad anymore? This is all my fault! It's my fault he and his father aren't close anymore... I should really apologies.. Even ff Lloyd doesn't want to talk, I still have to apologize


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