Chapter 26

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Nya's pov:

    I turned to Jay, is this the reason he had such a worried face?

   "Since you know Lloyd the most, I thought we could read it together!"

    "Thanks Jay, I think that would be nice..Hopefully this is just some past stuffs.."

    Jay nodded in agreement and scootch over to read. I turn my focus back onto the journal.

   '..When dad left, I acted like I felt okay. Was I okay? I was the one holding the book, I held it. I read it, I read the words that banish my dad to the Cursed Realm. It was for Ninjago, but why did? At what cost, I lost everything just for Ninjago. First it was Zane. And now my dad. Is this what I have to sacrifice for Ninjago? I didn't sign up for this. I didn't asked for this. I didn't asked to be the green ninja, I didn't asked for everything I love to be taken away. Am I too childish? Now that dad is gone, it's like I know nothing..He guided me through so much. He's gone, forever.. I feel lost, it's only been one day.. My mom acted like nothing happened, she isn't even sad. Master Wu acted like nothing happened and he's his brother. Am I the only one remember dad? Just a second ago, we sworn to never forget his sacrifice and now it's like it's a cursed name.



   I wish you were here..'

   I finished. This was only day one. It seems like a lot of things were on his mind. Oh my brother.. Why didn't I noticed? I was suppose to be there for him.

    "Should we continue? Nya."


    I smiled, turning the next page.

   'Day two..

     Still no one. No one. No one at all. I keep staring at the picture of me and my dad. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. Training has become more and more boring. I didn't want to do anything but I still have to train, getting ready to lost more. What's next? Master Wu's gonna die? I'm sick. Sick of destiny, sick of the future, sick of this ninja life. I want to get away but I can't. What about mom? No, she abandoned me. What about Nya? Kai, Zane, Jay and Cole. All of my friends. I couldn't leave them, I'm the green ninja. Just the green ninja. This second day, Kai asked me if I was okay. Someone who actually asked. We talked, he helped me through some stuff. Even though he 'betrayed' me at the tournament, he's always there for me. Same goes to the ninjas, I'm glad that they are my friends.

     Maybe all the things happening to me it's just a test. Because I'm the worse so I always act like I'm the best. Life has no meaning, it's just a cycle of bad things. No good for me, just for the world. Fall. Fall. Fall.

    The Green ninja fallen.'

    "The green ninja fallen?! What does that mean??" I freaked out.

    "I-I don't know either!"

     "Is he trying to kill himself??"

     I blurted out. Maybe he is..Maybe that what it means by 'The green ninja fallen'. I need to make a stop to this. But right now, he looks normal and happy..

     "Calm down Nya..This is probably in the past. He's just a kid back then, he must not know what he means back then.."

      "Maybe you're right.."

      Jay plant a kiss on my cheek.

      "Let's stop worrying or making any conclusion. Although we should all get therapy."

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