Chapter 22

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A/N: I really hope you enjoy this! This is pretty bad-

Zane's pov:

    I knew this was a terrible plan! I liked the idea of the party, so that Lloyd and Harumi can maybe talk and spend sometime together. But when the others suggested doing..that, I knew it was wrong, so I decline. Lloyd would always come to me if he wants to rant or talk about something. Searching in my database....Right..Lloyd told me once a few years back when he became the Golden Ninja, he hated being pressured doing something that he's uncomfortable with.


     Kai yelled in frustration, I can see it through his face. He was stressed, and upset, we all were.

    "He turned off  the tracker!"

    He showed us his phone. All of us sighed. We always keep a tracker in Lloyd's phone, incase he gets kidnapped, which I have calculated that he has been kidnapped precisely 6 times throughout the time we know him.

    "We messed up, right..?"

    Jay said, looking down. We all were ashamed, I am ashamed of myself for agreeing on the party. This ended up a total disaster. Pixal placed her hand on my shoulder, she also had a 'guilty' look as I have.

    "Isn't that quite obvious!? What's make you guys think that won't end up horribly??"

    Harumi shouted. Her eyes were daggers, it has anger, rage and sadness in them. Our action didn't just affect to Lloyd but also Harumi.

    "We're sorry Harumi. We know you're mad too-"

    Just before Cole could finish his sentence, Harumi interupted with a soft, quiet voice. Almost a whisper.

     "You guys should..just- leave me alone."

     She walked back and slammed her bedroom door.

     "Me and Pixal will go and track down Lloyd.. I know I am responsible for parts of it too."

    I said, looking at Pixal. She had a sweet smile across her face, I couldn't help but smile back.

     "No Zane..We're helping, it is our fault.."

     Jay followed us. We all walked to the underground base in silent. Until someone broke it.

     "Why did I hear slamming and shouting??"

     There appear Garmadon himself. He was in a purple and beige color robe, holding a cup of coffee. I wonder why he drinks coffee at night? Is the saying 'Evil doesn't sleep' for real?


    Cole scratches the back of his neck. The others nervously looking at anywhere but Garmadon's eyes. I still kept my gaze at Garmadon.

     "And where is Lloyd? He would always go with you ninjas. Like some pack of wolves or something."

     Garmadon said, looking around. We all flinched at the mention of his name.

     "Well...ZANE! You should answer!"

     They, again, pushed all the talking to me. I sighed, ready to tell Garmadon. Though, I would like to know how he would react. Lloyd is indeed his son.

     "The shouting and screaming was from...Lloyd running away-"

     A growl interupted me. It was Garmadon, he looked mad. In a deep and scary voice.


     I could feel the ninjas from behind me being either scared or guilty.

     "We did. We accidentally made Lloyd upset. But we are on our way to track him down. Please don't settle things in a bad way."

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