Chapter 29

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A/N: Since I have motivation, here!! Next part is the sleepover hehe, plus something exciting!! (I'm not stopping with the Llorumi so stay tuned!)

Nya's pov:

  Yes! I'm finished with dinner, time for operation-

  "Hey Nya! What are you so excited for?"

   Cole asked. I looked over to Jay, he's as excited as me of course!

  "Ohh, nothing really.."


  Jay spoiled the secret but, I mean I couldn't hold myself back either!

  "I thought you promised to not spy on them?"

   Kai, being a lame-o, trying to stop us although I know he would do it too if he wanted to.

  "Yeahhh, but a little peak wouldn't hurt! Plus..I'll tell you what we saw when I get back~"

  He smirked, sighing in defeat, I know him too well!

  "Okay, okay! You win, go but only spy a little bit okay? Leave the kids alone."

   I rolled my eyes, I wasn't planning on spying on the whole thing! Also, Lloyd got out like 1 hour ago, so I wouldn't be spying on their ENTIRE date.

   "And here, Nya. I got Lloyd's location."

   Zane came over, handing me the tracking device. I put the tracker into the gift bag, aren't I a genius?

   "Even Zane helped? Wow, you got everything planned!"

   Cole amazed by my well-planned operation. Jay nodding his head like a puppy is so cute! I smiled, thanking Zane before leaving.

   "Sooo, where is Lloyd?"

   "It said that he's in a forest nearby. Seems creepy-"

   Jay giggled.

   "That's suits Harumi to be honest, creepy things!"

   Yeah..That does suits her.

   "I hope he's not doing anything to Lloyd, I know that I trust her now but just incase."

   "Me too, like being in a forest with an ex-villain can be risky! But I think Lloyd will be fine. If not, we're just defeat her like always."

   I appreciate my boyfriend's optimism but after reading Lloyd's journal..Even if we defeated her, he'll be left traumatised, affected. I saw how it affected him after defeating Garmadon and now knowing what happened and Lloyd's feeling..


   I hummed, still thinking hard about Lloyd.

   "You looks sad? Why?"


   He frowned, stopped walking.

   "Tell me or I'm not moving!"

   He crossed his arms and stand still. I chuckled a little bit at his action, like a toddler.

   "I'll just leave you here then, in this dark forest."

    "Uh-uhm..I know you won't! Right..?"

   I laughed.

    "I won't leave you. I just need to ask. Should we tell the others know..the journal?"

   He un-crossed his arms, looking at me.

   "I..I don't think, yet! He's probably having fun and we are having peace right now. I don't really want to ruin it."

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