Chapter 25

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Jay's pov:

    A journal, or some kind of book? Why is it doing on my bookshelf?

    "Jay? Did you find it?"

    Nya asked.

    "Uh-uh not yet. Let's go eat lunch and I'll find it later!"

    I smiled. Nya agreed and went outside. Now about that thing...I mean it must be a book that I forgotten a looongg time ago. But I like comics books and I only have a few books, I remember all of those. This one wasn't one of them, it had a green cover, nothing on it, just green. Probably a journal since books can't have NO titles.



    I left the journal on my desk and run out.

Kai's pov:

    So when i said I was gonna help with the cooking, I meant I would just watch and sneak a few goods in my mouth. Zane made chicken and rice, simple and delicous.

    "Kai, you did nothing already, can you help me set the table?"

    Lloyd asked.

    "WHY OF COURSE, also I did something, I helped Zane get that thing at the beginning!"

     Lloyd face-palmed and got back to setting the table. I helped, cause my sweet sweet brother asked me to.

     "Soooo, how's life treating ya??" I am very bored.

     "Uh- Okay?"

    Does 'okay' mean f*cked up, cause if so then yes. His life is f*cked up.

     "So, where are you sleeping tonight?"

     Lloyd looked at me, confused.

    "You're still grounded?"

    "Riiiightt, I don't know? The gaming room? On the floor?? I don't really care."


    "Nu-uh! You're sleepin my room kid!"

    "Sure, as I said, I don't care."

    No praises for being a good brother? Nya walked in, with Jay.

    "What's for lunch?"

    "Chicken and rice!" Zane answered.

     Wait, where is Cole? He always peak his head from the doorway when he heard the any word related to food or just from the smell and boom! You unlocked a 'Cole' watching you cook with PASSIONATE (meaning he's VERY hungry).

     "Guys, where's Cole?"

     "He is going to visit Vania today."

    Oohh, wow! He didn't even invite us to tag along..Why does Vania always invite Cole whenever she has free time while we get to stay home. Atleast I get to taste Zane's amazing cooking!

    "Luckyyy, I want to go too!"

    Nya said.

    "I really need to hang out with Vania sometime, she seems pretty cool! We never really get to talk."

    We never really get to know her actually. Only Master Wu and Cole. Lloyd kind of hated her when they met, I WONDER WHYY.

     "We should pay her a visit sometime."

     Lloyd suggested. I agree!

     "Let me go and call Master Wu. He's teaching Garmadon something. I don't know actually. If I have to guess, some meditating."

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