Chapter 20

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~PART 2~

Kai's pov:

"Kai..." Nya called.

I looked up to her, giving her a tired look, she glared at me and rolls her eyes.

"They only been gone for like 20 minutes?!"

Nya yelled. I groaned.

"Yeah! That's long..I usually don't hang out with Lloyd but Skylor.."

I said, looking at Nya with sad eyes. She sighed and patting me on my back.

"How about doing something isn't video game? Or training.."

I nodded my head, anything but training. Cole's eyes light up as he turned to us.

"What?" Jay asked.

"I heard of a kind of cake that I really want to try but ZANE WON'T LET ME."

He yelled at the last part, glaring at Zane, who was smiling while nodding. Cole sighed and turned back to us. "So?"

"Okay Cole, what kind of cake?"

Jay curious. I didn't really care, probably some kind of flavor, but why would Zane not allow it then?

"A cake on fire!"

Cole said, putting his hand on his hips. I smiled, now that's something fun to do.

"That's dumb..."

Jay points his finger at Cole.

"I'm in!"

He gave Cole a thumbs up. Yoohoo!! I'm sure it'll taste great with my FIYAHH

"No! We do not allow you guys to do that, what if we burn down the monastery??"

Nya told us, she and Zane were next to each other, both glaring at us.


Jay plead. Zane looking at her, shaking his head. Nya stared at Jay and sighed.

"Fine...But don't burn anything!"

She mumbled. We ran to the kitchen.

"So Cole, what do we do now??"

"Uhhh...make cake and set it on fire?"

Zane ran after us, stopping Cole from picking up anything.

"Cole, you are ban from the kitchen."

"But that happened when I was unsupervised. Now I have these guys!"

Cole said, looking at us. I smiled as I grabbed Jay. Cole was saying something, but I was too busy listening to Jay whispering something to me.

"Soooo Kai, what do you think of me now?"

"What do you mean man??"

I asked, is he like showing off?? Because that's my thing!

" being- your soon to be brother in law!"

He blabbered. My eyes widened as I took my arms off of Jay, I stared at him for a bit. Is he about to freaking proposed!?

"Sorry- Please don't uh- kill me."

He said, using his arm to defend himself incase I did something. But I didn't, I just stood there and stared at me. He slowly put his arms down.

"Kai?? I never knew you would be this shock-"

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