Chapter 3 (Kinda RGB sibling?)

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Kai's pov:

   After lunch, me and my sister, Nya, was waiting for Lloyd to meet us outside. We wanted to train together since we haven't been spending time for a long time. Most of the time, when we aren't on a mission, I would hang out with Skylor or play video games with Jay and Cole; Nya would be with Pixal, fixing or building mechs and Lloyd.. well, sometimes he comes out and play video games with us, but he often stay in his room doing whatever he does. I was lucky enough that Lloyd agreed on training with us.


   I heard Nya said, waving her hang up to see Lloyd walking towards us.

   "What took you so long, bud?"

   I said, while grabbing a katana and threw it to him. Lloyd catched the katana, smiling.


   We started training, this reminded me of when Lloyd was young and we had to train him to.. fight his father. Well, atleast, everything was peaceful, for now! I wonder how Lloyd feels about Garmadon coming over, I mean, they do have a bad history together.

   "Hey Kai! Helloooo?"

   Sh*t! I zoned out, Nya was calling me and I didn't notice. I quickly answer before someone gets mad...HINT, it's Nya!

   "Oh sis, didn't see you there! What's the matter??

   Nya raised her eyebrows.

   "Right, you didn't see me, who has been standing infront of you, calling you for 2 minutes?? Anyways, since Lloyd went to grab us some drinks, I want to talk to you about something."

   "Yea sure, what's up?"

   I asked, hoping it's not something related to me or I'll be dead meat.

   "You know how at lunch, after Lloyd left?"


   "Harumi asked about Lloyd's eating habits?"

   "Of course, I was there. And you are concern aboutttttt what exactly?"

   Nya sigh and rolled her eyes.

   "WELL, what if she's plotting something, like getting more information??"

   Harumi, getting information about Lloyd bad eating habits.... I didn't really think of it like that, I just thought she think it was weird.

   "Sis, I know you're concern about out lil bro but we promise to trust him, remember? You said it yourself too!"

   Nya scoff:

   "Fine, but I just want to be careful!"

   I mean, I have the same feeling about Harumi like Nya but I don't want Lloyd to be all sad about us not trusting Harumi. Also, I know Lloyd, he more mature now, he can handle it, right?

   "I got some water, should we keep training?"

   Lloyd's back with a few water bottles in his hand. 

   "Where's Nya?"

   Yea, where is she? I swear she was just right next to me, talking about how she doesn't trust Harumi. I looked around, Lloyd did the same.

   "Let me check inside, she just probably inside her room y'know?"

   I said, getting a little worried.

Nya's pov:

   After talking to Kai, I was kinda mad, I know Kai also doesn't trust her but he seems to just ignore it. I went inside the monastery to cool down, maybe I can check on Jay and Cole, who probably is playing video games. 

   While walking, I got distracted and bumped into someone. I rubbed my head, and looked up to see.....Harumi.. What is she doing out here?! Maybe she's planning something!

   "Sorry... I wasn't looking!"

   Harumi apologize, which I didn't respond. I just stood up and walked past her, looking at her just remind me about the times she hurt Lloyd.. I looked back to see if she's gone, yup, she's going to her room.

   "Hey Nya! Want to join?"

   I heard Cole's voice, I then realized I am at the game room already. Cole was sitting on the floor while Jay was on the couch, both have a controller on their hand.

   "No, I was just checking on you guys, can you two stop playing video games and go outside?"

   Jay winned

   "But Nya! We're almost at the end."

   I sigh: "Fine." I said, Jay's eyes light up and he went back to playing video games. Wait! I forgot about Kai and Lloyd, I didn't say anything before I left, better get back before they start getting worry!


Kai's pov:

1:00 am

   I can't seem to go to sleep. Everytime I turn to change my sleeping position, I feel uncomfortable. I turn left, turn right until I fell out of bed and hit the hard wooden floor. Ow.. I was too tired to even get up, so I just lie there on the floor until someone knocked.

   Knock knock

   Who could be up this late, well.. beside me! I slowly got up, still very tired and hurt from the fall. Then, finally I got up and opened the door to no one? Is this some kind of joke or prank? I poked my head out and saw Lloyd going back to his room.


   He flinched at the mention of his name. Then he turned back and awkwardly smile.

   "Oh, Kai! Sorry if I woke you up.."

   He said, slowly walking to his room. There must be a reason he knocked at this time.

   "Lloyd, it's fine, what wrong?"

   Lloyd stopped walking and sigh. He turned back and walk toward me.


   Of course he would see someone after a nightmare, he is still a child in a teenager body. I welcome him into my room.

   "Come on Lloyd, if you have something bothering you, just tell me, I don't mind. To be honest, I couldn't sleep!"

   Lloyd smiled at my respond, he then walked into my room and sat down on my bed. 

   "Thanks Kai, I really appreciate it! It just have been hard y'know, fighting bad people, stuff like that.."

   He turned away, I closed the door and sat down to him. I comfort him, I know that being a green ninja and stuff is hard. I mean, he had to fight his dad at a young age, being left by his mom and more.

   "You know that no one's gonna hate you for just resting right? You don't need to always train and put pressure on yourself."

   Lloyd smiled and hugged me. I hugged back.

   "How about, we go back to your room and I'll stay with you?"

   Lloyd nodded.

   "Thank you for always being there for me, Kai."

   I laughed and went to Lloyd room. He went to sleep and then I felt my eyelids getting heavier, then I was asleep.

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