Chapter 19

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                                                                        ~PART 1~

Lloyd's pov:

   At the end of today, my dad will return to the Department realm. Yesterday, we spent the whole day hanging out, or just talking. I really wish he could just stay for a few more days but yet again, he needs his rest.

    Ring ring!

    My phone rang. I picked it up and answered.

    "Hello, this is Lloyd speaking."


    A familiar voice answered. It was Skylor, I wonder why she called.

    "Sooo, I heard from Kai that your dad's back."


    "And I thought of inviting both you and your dad to visit the old island, where the tournament happen?"

    Chen's Island? Why would she want me and my dad to visit it, she could just asked Kai or Nya. Maybe because my dad was close with hers so she thought it'll fit.

    "Sure, why?"

    "Well, since the tournament end, the island has been in really bad shape, and I want to renovate it. Also, your dad might know a few things that could help."

    "Okay! I would love to come, I just need to ask my dad first."

    I said, Skylor agreed and told me to text her my dad's respond. I got out of my room and went to the gaming room.

    "Dad, I want to ask you something."

    "Yes, Lloyd?"

    The ninjas looked at me, they don't really understand the 'Mind your own business' thing..

    "Skylor invited us to visit Chen's Island, do you want to come?"

    My dad looked surprise, then he nodded.

    "Woah! We never went back there anymore! Can't wait to go there!"

    Kai yelled, he jumped up from the couch, accidentally pushed Cole.

    "Why am I always get pushed!?!?"

    Cole shouted, crossing his arms.

    "Sorry Kai, Skylor just invited me and my dad."

    I informed Kai, his smile was wiped off immediately. He sat back down, pouting.

    "Why do you get to go with Skylor..."

    Kai whined. Nya chuckled at Kai's action, I feel like she's gonna tell Skylor about this. Me and my dad was about to go until someone stopped us.

    "Can I also come too?"

    My dad and I didn't turn around, we still answered.

    "Sorry Kai, no can do!"

    "I'm not Kai."

    I stopped finding my keys and turned around.

    "I'm Pixal, I want to join you. I already ask Skylor. She agreed to let me join."

    Pixal said, walking towards us. My dad reached his hand out to Pixal. She gladly shaked it.

    "Why would you want to join in, just asking."

    "I wanted a day off, I noticed I have been working non-stop. Also, I needed a break from the guys."

    I chuckled when Pixal gave an annoyed face to the ninjas who were panicking because they accidentally broke something.

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