Chapter 2

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Harumi's pov:

   I made my way to Lloyd's room, wait... I don't know the way around the monastery.. I think the ninjas didn't want me to barge in someone's room but not showing me meaning I can get mix up and accidentally meet with one of the ninjas. Still, I determind to find Lloyd and apologize to him. I walk accross a room, it had a dark blue door frame so I guess this is Jay's room? Followed by Cole's, Nya's and Zane's (I think).

   Then I saw 2 doors, both with no color, their doors both have a light brown color. I nervously look at both doors, they look the same but one is Kai's and one is Lloyd's. If I knocked on the wrong door, I would meet Kai, who of course wouldn't be pleased to meet me.. I trusted my gut and knocked on the door on my left. I feel like this is a life or death situtation!

   "What do you want?"

   And I am dead, I felt like my soul left my body, the person who opened the door was KAI! I quickly answered before Kai could say anything:

   "Sorry! I was uh- LOST!"

   I accidentally stutter at the last part, after saying that I ran quick to my room, my head looking down, hoping I won't bump into someone else.. I made it back to my room and slammed the door shut. Luckily, I didn't go into someone else's room. I'll just apologize later.


   "Lunch is ready!"

   I heard the nindroid, Zane, said. I guess it's time for lunch, I was hungry and tired from rebuilding the monastery, I didn't want to complain since I.. destroyed it. Also, my job wasn't the hardest, I just helped paint the walls.

   Knock knock

   Someone knocked on my door, I opened it and saw Lloyd, I think he's calling me to lunch.

   "It's lunch time."

   I was right, I nodded and followed Lloyd to the kitchen. I saw Cole and Jay sitting at the table, talking about...something called Prime Empire? When they saw me walked it, they stopped talking and just glare at me.

   "You can sit here, I'll get your plate."

   Lloyd said, pulling the chair out for me.

   "Thank you!"

   I thanked him, which he returned with a nod. As I sat down at the table, I saw Cole and Jay still looking at me, then Cole spoke:

   "Zane! Do you have any cake?"

   I didn't know Cole likes cakes? The last time I interacted with him was back when the Palace of Secret... was destroyed with the emperor and empress, he said his body is a .. temple, right temple!

   "I am sorry Cole, we have simply ran out of cakes, if you didn't eat them all in one day, maybe we would have some left!"

   Zane smiled smugly, Jay started to laugh while Cole crossed his hand and defend himself:

   "I didn't eat them all, you guys ate some too!"

    Then Kai and Nya walked into the room.

   "What with all the noise?"

   Nya asked, looking at Jay, who was still laughing. Zane explained:

   "Cole was just requesting some cake which we ran out."

   Kai sat down a few seat from me and joked:

   "We need to hide all the cake from now one, or we will never be able to taste cake anymore!"

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