Chapter 5

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Lloyd's pov:


   "Oh yes! Right- the weather, is very sunny!"

   I said, rolling my eyes, Garmadon frowned at my saying, It's not like he cares when I act all nice to him, I walked back to my friend.

   "Hey Lloyd, wanna go inside? It's almost lunch and I'm starving!"

   Jay said, rubbing his belly. I chuckled at his winning. I guess it is noon since Master Wu came back.

   "I'm going to head inside and assist Zane so we can finish making lunch faster."

   Pixal, Zane's soulmate, she is so nice and I get how Zane loves her. She's just amazing, it's great having her on the team.

   "Yes! I love you Pix!"

   Cole said, jumping in excitement.

   "I don't know if Zane would like that."

   Pixal said before walking with Zane inside the kitchen. Master Wu and my mom followed them inside.

   "Let's get back to training while waiting, you didn't beat me yet, master of Earth!"

   Jay challenged, in his fighting stance.

   "Oh I will, master of Lighting!"

   Cole said back, smirking and then they fought. I smiled, grabbing the katanas.

   "What are you doing?"

   I forgot Garmadon was still here.

   "Putting away our weapon."

   I responded, not looking back at him.

   "Let me help."


   I accidentally snapped, finally facing him. He looked shocked a bit until he walked into the monastery. Thank FSM, he's gone!

   "Woah, calm down Lloyd! Here let me assist you with that!"

   Kai said, taking the katanas and walked with me inside. Deep breath, Lloyd, deep breath.

   "I won!"

   I heard Jay yelled from the courtyard, guess he's the winner.

   After me and Kai put our weapons away, we sat down at the dinning table, I saw there were more chair since there were more people now.

   "Lloyd! Help me with the tasting!"

   My mom called.

   "Sure thing mom, it'll be my pleasure!"

   My mom smiled.

Harumi's pov:

   I was just watching the ninjas train, I'm so happy that they started to trust me. While watching, I stare at a certain Green ninja, Lloyd.. I saw his messy blonde hair flutters from the wind, his emerald eyes giving all focus on the target. I never realized how good he looks when he fight since whenever we met... Nevermind.

   Knock knock

   I heard a knock on the monastery gate. Oh no... Is 'he' here?! I got to go! I stood up from the steps and ran inside, into my room, still peeking outside to see.

   "Mom! Master Wu!"

   Lloyd said, going to hug his mom and sensei or Uncle. Zane went outside from the kitchen and hugged Pixal, the female nindroid, I never really get to know properly.

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