Chapter 32

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Harumi's pov:

    "What do you mean you don't know??" Nya asked.

    "I mean like I don't know, okay?! He just comforted me, said he likes me a lot and left to get Kai soda!"

    Skylor sighed over the phone.

   "Did you purposely sigh THAT loud?"

   "Yes, you hopeless romantic!" She yelled, scoffed

   I rolled my eyes. I mean yes, I am kind of hopeless. I don't even know if me and Lloyd is anywhere close to dating. Maybe he just confessed to me but how do I know?? He just said he liked me a lot. That can be a friends thing or a love thing!

    "How about you go asked him?" Nya suggested.

    "I believe that would make the both of them uncomfortable, but if they do that in private then that would work! But we'll have to keep the boys away." Pixal said.

    Gosh, Pixal and Zane is a great couple if she gives so good of a love advice. Although.. she could just searched it in her mind since she is you know, a machine, or correction, a nindroid.

    "And keep you girls away!" I joked.

    "That's hilarious Harumi. But let's think about this another time! Or tomorrow, what about we just talk about something else?" Skylor tried to avoid the love topic.

    I mean, I do not want to continue this conversation about my love life anyways.

    "What are you thinking?" Pixal asked.

   She thought a little bit.

   "Let's gossip about the ninjas!" Nya suddenly said.

   Now this is what's interesting! I scooted over to listen clearer.

   "Okay! Let's start with..."

   "Kai!" Nya immediately interupted Skylor.

    Ooh, Kai is a really, let just say something when I first met him.

    "I'll let to know my man from his own sister. There must be a lot of stuff you know about his past!" Skylor said.

    I'm surprised she's not mad. There could be some bad gossip about him. Buut, she did know what she'll get into when dating him.

    "Infact, I do!" She proudly said.

    Me and Pixal just listens as she started to tell us about a story about when she first started dating Jay.

    "So when I first dated Jay, he was really protective. But you know he's always protective of me like I'm a little girl."

    "Typical Kai." I chuckled.

    Everyone knows Kai is watching Nya like every second, every moment.

     "So like of course. I was just watching some rom-com in the afternoon like usual with Jay. He didn't really watched the movie though, he was watching me!" She laughed.

    We followed by. I could imagine Nya paying attention to the movie and Jay just dreamily watching her.

     "And that is the one afternoon when Kai choose to freaking spy on us! Reminder, we always do this in the afternoon. Then he saw us holding hand and let's just say....A fire almost got started. Luckily, Cole was passing by and stopped Kai from any violence." Nya finished the story.

    Sounds about right, that is definitely Kai!

    "Glad I wasn't there, I wasn't even made at that time!" Pixal said.

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