Chapter 17

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Nya's pov:

    After Lloyd left, I returned to my room. Slowly walking back, I kept looking at my phone. Still no respond..I close the door and lay on the bed. I look back at the photos of the team. I smiled.

   Ding ding!

   A new message? I opened and saw Jay has replied. He simply said 'hi' back. I don't know what to do now.. I turned my phone off and lay on my bed until I fell asleep.


   I woke up in the middle of night. I groan as I rise up from my bed. I check my phone, it was 3:00. I stood up, I don't know why but I wanted a snack. I walked to the kitchen.

   "Hey Nya!"

    I jumped, to see Cole sitting on the table, eating cake.


     "Sit down! I wanted to talk to you in the morning but since you're here anyways!"

     I nodded and sat down. He cut me a piece of cake and gave it too me. I gladly took it, just the perfect snack.

     "Ahem- So...I saw you guys's fight..."

      I sighed. I can't hide from that anymore, or cry about it.


     "And it seems like both of you are blaming yourself. I heard it from Kai and I talk to Jay myself."

    Jay..think it's his fault?..I continue listening to Cole, he's Jay best friend, I want to see how Jay is.

    "Kai told me you want to apologize, Jay also wanted to do that too! So, you don't need to be sad anymore Nya!"

    Cole said, smiling. I also smiled back, taking a bite from the piece of cake. Sweet..

    "So..when are you planning to apologize? Jay said I can't tell you when he does so.."

    "How do I know you won't spoil to Jay??"

     I chuckled. He sometimes can but he usually can't keep a secret.

    "I promise!"

     Okay, but he can keep promises. I nodded.

     "Probably after breakfast.."

     Cole's eye light up. He started giggling, I wonder what's he's thinking. We continue talking and ate cake.

     "It's almost 4. I should get back to sleep, don't wanna be tired for the apology!"

     I said, leaving the kitchen. I heard Cole saying 'bye' and hum while eating cake. I thought he was on a diet or something-

    I went back to my room, although my phone had a text message when I check the time an hour ago or so. I picked up my phone and look at the message. Jay sent it! I excitedly open it. He texted: 'I'm sorry'. He only said that. I was thinking of texting it back but then, I want to talk to him face-to-face. I put my phone down and sleep. Hopefully, it works out, who am I kidding?! It will work out!

Jay's pov:

    I heard talking in the kitchen, I peaked out from my room. Cole was eating cake, of course but there was Nya. They were talking. I didn't know what they were talking about. But I heard one thing, 'apologies'. Right, Zane told me to buy her gifts and Kai said taking her on a date. I'll...go with Zane, last time I went with Kai and he sabotages me.. I need Cole's help though- I know I can't get her perfumes, she's allergic- Maybe..clothes?? How about..uh- Wait! I know! I ran back into my room. It's 4:00. I'm already very much awake, I should start making my gift. I text Cole for help. And Cole came into my room, holding a plate of cake.

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