Chapter 31

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A/N: I have come back with MORE Llorumi content for you all MUAHAHAH

Harumi's pov:

    "Dare you say?" Nya smirked.

   "Oh no.. Can I pick again please?" I immediately regretted my choice.

    Nya shook her hand.

    "Fortunately no my dear Harumi..It is the rule!" She said.

    "Since when??" I tried to find my way out of this hole that I dug myself.

     Nya turned to Pixal. She gave me a apologetic smile and replied.

    "I'm sorry is." She said.

     Skylor chuckled, guess they both have the same idea.

     "Now for my dare..." Nya started

     I waited, for my end to come..Okay, maybe a little too dramatic but this is VALID I swear. She either is going to kill me or make me do something embarrasing. She looks over to Skylor, Skylor returned with a thumbs up. They are teaming up against me..

     "To go get me a cup of water!" She proudly said.

     Uh...Do I have hearing problem or did she just told me to get a a cup of water? I thought Skylor said she was brutal?

   "Are you sure??" I questioned, making sure she actually mean it

   "Do you want me to think of another dare??" She raised her eyebrow.

   I stood up, nervously laughed.

   "Uh uh no no! I'll go get that cup of water for you!" I shook my head

   She just chuckled, Pixal as well. What are they up to? I walked over to the door but Nya stopped me.

    "Wait! Not yet!" She yelled.

    I turned back, crossing my arms. She turns over to Skylor. Skylor winked and giggled.

   Is this a trap??

Lloyd's pov:

   The guys have been asking me weird question, well I know why it's weird. I just went on a date with Harumi. Yes, I gave in and now accepted that it was infact a date. Why do I sound like Zane?? I mean she gave me a kiss on the cheek, if that's not a date, I don't know what is! What if it's just a friendly kiss? NO YOU DUMB CHILD!

   "Lloyd? Hey buddy?" Jay called out, waving his hand infront of my face.

   "Huh?" I hummed.

   Right, I was yelling at myself. Kai was on his phone for a while, grinning like a maniac. Probably texting Skylor. I wonder how Harumi feels

   "You've been zoning out man. Did we overwhelm you?" Cole asked.

   I shook my head.

   "No..Just thinking." I respond.

   "If there's SOMETHING on your mind, just tell us. We can totally help you out!" Jay smiled

   Jay's either trying to hint to me about the date or trying to comfort, I never know with him.

    "Yes Lloyd, we're always there for you!" Zane gave a thumbs up.

    He's trustworthy, I trust Zane. I just nodded.

   "Lloyd, can you do me a favour??" Kai finally spoke.

    I turned to him. He winked. What does that mean?? The others starting giggling.

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