Chapter 28

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A/N: HAHAHAHA, I'm sorry I said 2 weeks which turned out to be 3-4 weeks. I just have no motivation or ideas- So in this chapter will be Lloyd's and Harumi's date + Harumi past (happy) hehe!
Lloyd's pov:

Jeez- Guess it was somewhat a long walk. But I'm not complaining though since I enjoyed the nice night walks. I sometimes like to take a break and walk around Ninjago City at night. Although, I'm not in Ninjago City, Harumi told me to follow a pathwalk into the forest. It is scary and calm at the time.



I jumped to the side. Turning to see Harumi, who's currently giggling.

"I didn't think a ninja would be this freaked out?"

She smirked.

"Ha-ha, what do you expect me to react when I'm in a forest at night alone and someone scare me.."

She continue laughing, while walking ahead. I quickly follow her.

"Sooo, where are you taking me?"

I asked, speeding up to walk by her side. She just hums.


I tilt my head in curiousity.

"Are you plotting to kill me or something?"

I joked.

"What noo! Not again-"

I quietly chuckled. She just pout and walked faster.

"Sorryy, I was just joking!"

"You better be! Or I'm leaving you in this DARK AND SCARY forest ALONE~~"

She then makes a spooky 'ohh~~!'.

"Are you still teasing me for that scare back then?"

Harumi shrugged and stopped. I followed by, looking at what's infront of us. There was a large tree, decorated with bright lantern and some paper butterfly.

"Harumi..What is this place?"

"Just some childhood stuff, what do you think?"

I smiled, admiring the beatiful scenery. A small picnic area under the trees, so peaceful..

"Absolutely beautiful.."

She laughed, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the tree.

"How long did it took you to prepare??"

"Uh...You don't need to know!"

She nervously chuckled and look at the tree.

"You know we could have just go to some small restaurant right? I don't want you to waste your energy preparing this.."

"No! I'm glad that I get to come back here. If you didn't come here, I don't know when I would come back here. Thank you Lloyd!"

She turned to me. Giving me the warmest and sweetest smile. The smile that she gave me back when we first met. But this time, it's real..

"Thank you too Harumi."

I return with a smile. Something is tiggling my hand? I look down to see a leaf from some bush nearby and-

"Oh sorry! I forgot, here! A gift for you!"

Harumi gasped and took the gift.

"Zane gave it to me before I came here, I'm not sure what's inside though..So if it's something that y'know makes you uncomfortable then blame the ninjas."

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